
Friday, May 2, 2008

In a Very Very Bad Mood >[

Let's get started on the right foot.


Let's start at the beginning of this, when I found out that it is time for us to keep out apartments spotless, because our landlords are going to be showing them to potential renters (since we're gone in June). Now, this wouldn't be a problem except:
A) Cleaning is low on my list, such as to be done throughly after completing my final portfolio. As it is now I'm often times too frazzled to think on anything but that portfolio. Cleaning =/= priority. When lunch becomes your only meal so you can spend the shopping time on the computer editing images, like I do now, you don't really care much about cleaning either. Could have waited to do this until June 1st so that we had time.
B) I don't trust Susan Renfrew as far as I can throw her. And that's not far, because I'm small and skinny and pretty weak.
C) I don't trust strangers who come into my home.
C-1) Susan didn't always keep an eye on my parents and I, what makes me think she'll keep an eye on these potential tenets?
D) Do we get forewarned that it's going to happen? I mean, the place could be clean, but that day you just happened to get a care package with condoms or something in it and BOOM, there it is, sitting out on the kitchen table because you were only going to be gone for a few hours to shoot and your landlord picked that exact time to show the apartment. It was clean! However, your personals were left out for the moment.
E) Did I mention we're all frazzled with the final portfolio and really busy? Yeah...

So yes, I don't like this at all. I'm going to speak with Tammy tomorrow as well, because I am also incredibly dissatisfied with my living conditions. Susan seriously acts like she does not care. A month ago she saw, with her own two eyes, that the hall light was out. She commented on this fact. But it was not fixed. This was a month ago! So yeah... that was the straw that broke the camel's back. If you're a potential student reading this, do everything you can not to rent from Susan Renfrew.

Then, comes tonight, when I tried to get Linksys Easy Link Advisor (LELA) to re-detect my router. I still have an internet connection, and I did before. And then I tried to reconnect it, and went through more bullshit about it not detecting a router that was hardwired to it via a cable than I care to go into detail about. Let's just say I tried setup at least fifteen times. At least. And I used the phone support once as well. Finally, I called a technician. Which is what it came down to the last time this happened. And you know what the bitch on the other end of the phone tells me? That LELA was only meant to set the router up once, and I could uninstall it now. To just use to access my router and monitor things. Well I'm sorry sweetheart, but I did my homework. LELA is meant to monitor your network, and anyone who is accessing said network. No where at can you do that. NO WHERE. Trust me, I looked. And if you go to the help page for LELA, there are a ton of problems and questions... and no support. There is a support team, but they are not answering any questions. They have a total of 11 posts in a forum with 6 pages worth of questions (about fifteen to twenty I'd say per page) over a span of two years. That's right, two years. There are also all these things about firmware updates that you don't want, and a link to downgrade if you got it, but there's no way to know what to do after you download it. Nor to check if you have the updated firmware.

Now, by no means am I a genious at this sort of thing, but I'm definitely good with computers. There was a point that I had an old system, old old system, that only ran Windows 98 because it was so old. And I was teaching myself some MS DOS on it. I understand computers in much more than a basic sense. Wireless not so much, but I don't think it should be giving me such problems. And I definitely do not think there should be so many questions, and so many of them for the same issue, that go unanswered. And I DEFINITELY do NOT appreciate being LIED TO by a technician who barely speaks English (on the English line mind you! They have different help lines for different countries!) at 2am about LELA!

So, do not, for the sake of your mental sanity, buy a linksys router. They are nothing but a headache. This is the third issue I've had with the thing in close to eight months. Bullshit I tell you, absolute bullshit.

You better believe when I found the email to send feedback on LELA that I sent some to them. I hope their eyes bleed when they read about how badly I hate their product. I really do.

And in final news today, I attempted to install Internet Explorer 8 Beta today, to see if it was going to run my webpage properly... and now IE won't open without crashing in five seconds. Can't system restore back to before I updated, and I cannot uninstall it. Can't reinstall IE7 because it detects a newer version, and even using add/remove programs and rebooting to fully rid myself on IE doesn't work so that I can reinstall it. Thank god I prefer FireFox.

I love you Microsoft, your computers make sense to me. But god dammit would you do something about that shitty thing you are trying to call a browser!?

So excuse me while I go pack to head back to NY, and try to actually sleep since I have been sick pretty much every night this week. Meh. D<

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