
Monday, May 19, 2008

Long Journey Back

So I left around... oh... 5am today and got back by 7:30am. Helped that I was doing 80mph most of the way, even if I did have to get into the slow lane to let some cops pass me. Yeah... they didn't like 80 apparently. Never pulled me over, but they were cruising for sure. One in NY, and one in MA, and both of them were tailgating me until I let them fly by. Yikes.

Before I even got on the highway though, I was attacked by geese. No lie, there were two of them on 147, and as I drove by they lunged at my car to attack it. WHAT THE HELL!? Aren't animals supposed to be afraid of that sort of stuff? I thought they were! Good god! Send those things to Iraq, they'll get the job done. o.<

But the journey was long, because I got sick during it. Thankfully it was within ten miles of home that the worst of it hit, but still. I don't like being sick, and I really don't like my IBS, which is what flared up again. So I ended up returning the lens to Joey and then returning home to die. And before anything is said about just dealing, IBS is like having a belly full of battery acid that's about to be set on fire to explode. It hurts so bad you can't breathe right, and you can't stand all the way up because everything is spasming that bad. There is no medicine for it either, and nothing to stop it once it starts. So the only option I had was to get sick when my stomach demanded a bathroom run, and to sleep it off.

So far, so good. I'm holding down a sandwich I ate for lunch around 2pm, and hoping to go to the CS around 5:30pm. Gotta do one of the two shoots I have left tonight. And then tomorrow I have studio time to do the last one. I doubt I can pull them both off tonight. If I could though... that'd be great. I think I'm going to do my metal shot tonight though, and the environmental still life tomorrow. And I'm really hoping they don't take too long. Bleh.

Though... with my simplistic nature, I just might be able to do both tonight. I know exactly what I want to do after all... So anything is possible. If I can get both done tonight, that would be wonderful. That would leave all tomorrow for just retouching, and Wednesday for printing. I'd like that.

Anywho, I'm off to do some more retouching since I have so much on my laptop that needs it. Gotta get it done.


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