
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Intermitency and an Update

So I've managed to snag some intermittent sleep so far tonight, but thanks to having to pee my mind kind of woke up. So I'm tiring it back out again. Might as well discuss Hallmark-y things while I'm at it. Still feel a bit panic-y, but it has subsided greatly.

First things first, gotta go see Tony tomorrow. Myself, Celia, and some other girl I don't think I know (but who Celia had a falling out with apparently) have to make up our 30 minute speech together. Or 40 minute. I can't remember how long it was anymore. All I know is that it has to get done. So Tony asked we come in the morning, I'll be there for a bit. Not long though, because I'm gonna need more sleep and I'd feel bad falling asleep in the seminar.

Yesterday was all business-y type stuff. We had a class on Finances, Business Law, and Part-time employment. It got dull in areas, but at least it was all good information. Found out just how bad the government is screwing us over, and that it's a voluntary matter on if you pay income tax or social security. IRS doesn't want you to know that though.

Also given these two things to look up:
Freedom to Fascism
Allodial Title

Two things that should prove interesting. I'll get on that later.

Michael Zide informed us today, through an in-class discussion (after we found out about Lisa's Moose sighting on I91) that he would like to know what noise a moose makes. I told him to get a moose call.

Apparently I don't look well though, because Debbie mentioned I was pale and looked like I hadn't slept in weeks. Sounds about how I feel. It's hard to eat, because it seems like all food makes me sick. Yuck. I'm practically anorexic. But, I can't stop. Gotta keep moving, keep shooting, and by god, keep retouching.

Got a lot of stuff set up though, so I'll be damned if it's not done on time. You better believe it will be. I've come too far to give up now. Though at times it seems like the goal is impossible to reach. It's odd too, because I had all these great ideas... and then they weren't executed. And for the life of me I can't figure out why.

One thing I do know is effecting my work here is my worry over my family back home. My grandfather is dying, has been dying for 7 years now from Persistent Super Nuclear Palsy. And I received word recently that he's not doing well at all. So it's like every day I'm just waiting for that phone call...

My brain is just plain frazzled, too. Ugh. I can't wait for karaoke this Thursday. I might not get to be there for the whole thing, I might have to shoot for a bit too, but at least it'll be some time to try and relax.

Anyways, it's time for me to try and sleep some more. Goodness knows I need it. x_x

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