
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Family Portraits are the New Birth Control

So I did a family portrait on the evening of mothers day. Now, me being me, I can't pick anything easy. So while many of my fellow classmates probably picked 3-person families, I had to go out and pick one with six people. That's right, six. S.I.X.

And two of these people, were boys of the ages 6 and 9, I believe. Either way, they were above four and below ten. And they were a HANDFUL. The one kid (older one) had an excuse for everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. If his back didn't hurt, his feet did. Or his legs. Or head. Or he needed a drink. One time he even said he had to brush his teeth. All because he wanted nothing to do with my picture.

...I feel demoted. Apparently this kid would have had a better time brushing his teeth than getting his picture taken. I wonder if he'd rather go have a shot, too... >.>;;

But I did get the portrait, even if there was a lot of crying and a frustrated dad. The family consisted of both parents, a ten year old daughter, the two boys, and an infant. Yep, I had the whole slew of them. But it was fun, and I enjoyed meeting them all. I'm pretty sure the images came out good, too, so that's all that matters.

Lemme tell ya though, I will never ever be having the desire for kids anytime soon now. That was definitely some powerful birth control. Holy crap. Every student should be required to do a large family portrait with kids, because they will never want kids again. Not for years, I swear it!

Anywho, gotta get me some shut eye. I stayed back in NY to get my shots done (I only have a few left, mostly studio! YAY!), and I am returning at 6am tomorrow. So it's bedtime for moi!

And yes, I am quite crazy. But 6am is far better than 4:30am! xD

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