
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

From Ellie

This is a comment, left by Ellie (don't know if that's a real name or not) on "The Root of the Problem". Since there is no cute little "Reply to this person" kind of button, I'll respond in another post, because it's something I feel I need to do.

Ellie Writes:
You are depressed and wake up with bruises on your body after sleep? You may have sleep apnea, which left untreated long enough can lead to depression. That is what happened to me. You could also have nocturnal epilepsy and be having seizures in your sleep which would explain your bruising. "Chemical imbalance" is an overused diagnosis for those of us with issues that look like childhood mental health problems. I suggest that you go to your physician and get a sleep study done.

Thank you for this insight Ellie. I really don't know anything about sleep apnea, and I had never heard until nocturnal seizures until now. But I will look into them for sure, and talk with my doctor about them. I'm not sure if I can do a sleep study just yet, but I will keep that in mind as well. For right now I will have faith in my meds, since they seemed to work last time. But if this could be the trigger to my depression, getting to that would be better than just clearing up the depression.

Thank you very much for your comment. I really appreciate it.

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