
Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Battle Ensues

So in the battle of Sam -vs- The Cold of the Century, the scoreboard is looking tipsy at 3:4.

The stupid cold totally kicked my ass, kept me from getting stuff done on vacation, made me miss school, and now it's given me a headache and nausea. x_x

What have I done? Slept, drank cold medicine, and just now I took some Advil. Oy.

And not even regular Advil, oh no, my pretty children's-strength stuff. Because my tolerance for medicine=0, and so I don't even take the same dosage as a six-year old. Pathetic.

I still have about an hour before I absolutely have to leave for classes though, so if at all possible I'm going to try and rest to get rid of this damn thing. Haven't had much luck with the resting thing for the past hour and a half, but hey, I have a half hour to fourty-five more minutes to try, so why not? Provided the meds kick in nicely, I'll be fine.

That, and the coughing fits need to stop. >.<


What good is breathing and not having a sore throat if you're still coughing and can't concentrate due to a headache that induces nausea? I think I preferred the stuffy nose and sneezing. >.<

*shakefist* Stupid cold!

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