
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Driving Back was the Worst Part

All right, so the accident was pretty bad, and fairly scary (though exciting in a small way), but driving back was the WORST PART. Every time I crossed a bridge, I had a panic attack. And going over wet roads, well, I felt every small slip formed by a puddle. It was nothing to get worked up over, but my nerves are just on edge because of everything that happened. Still, I made it back this afternoon around 12:15. Not bad, considering I left after 9:30am. Dad is letting me borrow his truck for the week. I hate it so much because it is so big and has so many blind spots, but it's better than a rental because they were going to charge me an extra $100+ a day because of my age. Which is bullshit. $100 a week extra, maybe, but not a day.

My car though, poor little Deathmobile (yeah, that's its name. x'D) might have seen its last road trip though. D: The damage isn't too bad, and Dad even managed to pull everything back into place, but it's probably just not worth the money to fix it. Even in its current condition though, we should be able to get about $2,000 trade-in on it, so that's helpful. So it looks like I'll be getting a new car. Man... as nice as that will be because I really hated the body style of my car, I was really hoping to make it another year with this one. That, and I'm going to miss it. It was my great-grandfather's, so it's kind of special, even if it did have issues up the wazoo. But it's so old that it's just nickle-and-diming me to death with repairs, so it's probably time to send it to the junkyard. :( I will miss it though.

And you know what, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole reason I escaped that accident in as good of shape as I did, was because my great-grandparents were watching over me. That, and Pagans' say keeping a black rose in your back window is good luck, so that probably helped too.

I'll tell you what though, I thought the aches were all gone, but I was wrong. I still have a couple: one in my shoulders, and one in my right leg--the one I drive with. I noticed it after driving for so long, and then sitting in class. Man... sucks big time. And with guest lecturers tomorrow, and my favourite auditorium seats... ugh. I'm going to be pretty irritated if they run waaaaaay overtime before giving us breaks because of it. I hate sitting for that long as it is, but when I am hurting and need to stretch it out... D: That just makes it worse. That, and most people just plain lose my attention after 30-40min, so if you blabber on for an extra 20-30min? I am really not paying attention. It's one thing if I'm conversing with someone, but to listen to a lecture... no. I just can't do it.

The other issue I have is that it makes me sleepy. And when I get tired, I get either really mellow, or really irritable. And lately, I've been leaning towards easily irritable. Ew. So not cool. But, not much I can do but sleep it off. x'D

I swear though, tomorrow I will give you a general update of what's been going on at school. I will be done being preoccupied with my car stuff enough to tell you all the funnies. At least until Thursday, when I leave again for a doctor's appointment to make sure the meds are doing okay. *thumbs up* S'all good now though. :D

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