
Friday, April 11, 2008

Queen of Procrastination

So, our websites for our final are due on Monday at 7:45am, sharp. And I don't feel like getting to the school quite that early, so that means I have to hand in my site today. Well, that's all fine and dandy, except that about six hours ago my site didn't even exist. x'D You heard me, we've known about this for MONTHS, and got the assignment the last week of March... and I just built my site. I am the QUEEN of procrastination.

Still, I was pretty confident that I could do it, and in this six hours I created from scratch a basic website, figured out FTP, and got all the comments I needed.

Starting with the website...

This was a HUGE thorn in my side. And not because I can't code, because I can; I have been since I was 13. The issue was in the fact that ever since they started us on Dreamweaver, my coding skills have just flopped. I used to be able to do just about anything, and then I tried Dreamweaver once more... and they were gone. All my skills... POOF. I was REALLY ANGRY. Mostly because the CSS would validate, or seem to, and then it would come up with an error on the index.html portion. Turns out that #008000 and #004000 are no longer usable hex codes. WHAT THE HELL!? CHANGING HEX CODES ON ME!? D: You better believe that blew my mind. So I had to go find them else where blah blah blah... MOVING ON! So, I get those right and the CSS still will not link in. I trashed those and just started over again. It's a good thing I had just saved everything too, because I went to open a CD of images... and my whole computer froze. To the point that in order to reboot it, I had to pull the battery off. It must have been angry at me for shaking it violently and cursing at it when Dreamweaver would not function as I desired it to. And I'm not joking, I picked this laptop up and shook it violently. x'D


So I got that all working fine and dandy. Can't create a simpleviewer gallery inside an iframe though, so I went and found a different code. And now I have cute little within-site popups! YAY! I'm more happy with these than simpleviewer anyday.

I did actually create the site in Dreamweaver though. Simply because I was too annoyed to have a million and one notepads open. I still worked solely in the code area.

The next big thing though was to figure out the FTP client. Had I been smart and gone to 1and1's FAQ right off, I wouldn't have spent 2.5 hours fighting with Filezilla. And yes, this involved more violent shaking of the laptop and cursing. x'D

However, after an FAQ visit, and getting a visit from the hammer of common sense, I did figure it out!



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