
Monday, April 28, 2008

The Student Open House

So yesterday was the Student Open House, and it was all right. I stressed over it, and got very little sleep the night before, but it went fine. Actually... it was almost kind of boring. :\ A lot of people came, we students were denied the yummy food (until the end), and they looked at everything. I was a tour guide... but no one really wanted tours from us. They were either alumni who knew the school, or people who came to visit someone else, who then walked and talked with them for a bit since we all were give that option. So over all... not that exciting. I had a lot more fun at my highschool gala. So... eh.

Setting up for the Open House was awful though. And not because I hate setting up, but because they made us clean. We had to wash all the windows, sweep the floors, wash the tables, dust the lockers, dust the window sills... and on and on. Now, I can understand that this is necessary, however, we have janitors. It would have been one thing if we wanted to use a space that wasn't often used to clean it, but the whole school? That just seemed wrong somehow. Setting up tables, getting out chairs, hanging decorations, putting together out displays, and stuff; that was all things I expected to do. But not janitorial work. I think a good chunk of the student population agrees as well, since I heard similar sentiments about it. So a lot of us are wondering: Why did we have to clean the school? We're paying to attend, to learn, and to be enlightened. There is a janitorial staff being paid to keep the nasties away. So why? Just doesn't make sense. And there are those of us who really didn't want to have this open house either, because we would have rather been working on our final portfolio.

Then again, maybe I feel this way because I didn't get much satisfaction from it. It felt so... formal. And while formal is good, I'm a much more laid-back kind of person. I feel more approachable that way. That, and I was soooooooooo tired during it. We all were, really.

But, I digress, it was probably good for exposure. So I'll take that and leave the rest.

Man... I don't want to go to classes in the morning. xP

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