
Monday, June 16, 2008

Wind and Hail

So, that storm that was scaring the crap out of me is all gone I think. It's been calm for about three hours now... so it should be. But um, it created winds powerful enough to drive the branches on the trees next to the apartment against the walls (they're a good distance away). And then there was the marble sized hail. Good god... You better believe I freaked out. Grabbed my blanket, laptop, and pillow, and then hid out in my mini-hallway. Since that's the only centrally located room with no outside walls. It was the safest place to be. Rachael offered me space at her house so I wouldn't be alone and scared, but um... there was no way I was going outside. What-so-ever. I'm still not. I'll wait for tomorrow. When I can watch the skies. At least in NY I know the weather fairly well... here in MA I'm a bit more clueless. It's further south and closer to the coast than where I am in NY, and much lower in elevation, so... things are different. And I hate it. I am going to try to be to Hallmark by 8am though to make up for time missed today. I need to. I've already set my alarm for 7am. Now I just have to get my stomach to stop rejecting the dinner I gave it from the panic attack after effects, and relax so I can get to bed at a normal hour. Oh, and do some retouching so that I have less to complete tomorrow, and just a lot of printing. That would be good. But, first things first, I gotta calm down. So I'm going to watch a few episodes of Saiyuki, take my mind off troubles, so that I can concentrate. Working while shaking produces bad imagery. That was lesson number one in photo retouching from Miss. Mierzwa. Granted, we were working with dye, but photoshop is no different. You can make bad digital marks after all. So I'm off to stop the shakes and panic. And then to work.

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