
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dear Andrew

So I received a comment from Andrew, asking if I was going to post my overall experience on here when this is over. The answer is yes, when it's done I will post my overall experience. I will be talking about the ins and outs, and what I found good and bad here. I'll give a brief insight as to my stay in MA, and about the living situation I had (since it hasn't been too good). I'll also be sharing my thoughts and feelings on the instructors here. But to save myself the trouble of making a mistake before it's all over, I'm waiting for after graduation to comment on all this stuff. Plus, that will probably be a good way to round out this blog before creating a new one for the journey after Hallmark.

Thank you so much for reading, and gaining insight from it. If you do have questions, or wish to talk, my contact information is on here. I'm always willing to field any questions you might have for a current student. Just drop me a line in my inbox. :)

1 comment:

Elise said...

Hello. I came across your blog while looking for other people that are into Japanese things. As a life-long Massachusetts resident, I apologize on behalf of our state for any bad experiences or feelings you've incurred while staying here. Like that means a whole lot... I'm really enjoying reading your blog, though. Hope you'll check out mine sometime. Best of luck in your schooling as well. :)
