
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ridiculous Discounts from Heaven or Hell!?

So the second day of true classes was pretty good. Nothing too much went on, but we did really start to find out what's at the heart of Hallmark. And that would be a hell of a lot of determination and dedication. Just... wow. lol

It poured today though, sadly, and because of that my feet were s.o.a.k.e.d from noon to six pm when I got home. It kinda sucked, but hey, my pants are super-absorbent. :P

Still, not a bad day.

We have a lot of assignments already, but the majority of them aren't due for about eight weeks, so we have time. Two of them we're doing this Thursday though, in historic Deerfield. So that'll be fun.

I also found out today that the 100gb (gig) external hard drives we're getting tomorrow are ours to keep. Yeah... you heard me... 100gb. o_o That's more space than my laptop has. Holy. Shit.

We also get ridiculous student discounts because Hallmark is one of 45 elite schools in the states. For serious, there is this Adobe Image and Design Suite that has like, Photoshop CS3, Flash, Dreamweaver, and a couple other nice programs in it... Usually it's $1,600. Regular student discount is $600. We Hallmark students can get it for $300. Yes, I just said $300. Lightroom, a $300 program, is discounted to $79 for us currently. They're working on getting it down to $39. Oh healls yeah baby! :boogie:

I'm also super happy with my fellow students, because they are all really nice. I met three new people today, Faviello(sp), Matt, and Dawn. Then there is Alexis, who I met yesterday but got to know better today. And Josh who wants me to model.

Speaking of modeling, I am becoming a favourite for students already. A couple have approached me to be a model for them. They say I look very natural. :D It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy good inside to hear that. YAY! :w00t:

With our computers, we have no restrictions. They are the latest Mac computers too, just at 10.4 while we let everyone else discover 10.5's bugs. :XD: And they did lock the settings, but told us if we wanted to waste our time figuring out how to go in and mess with them, that they wouldn't stop us. Since we'd only be hurting ourselves in the end. lol

We also have this report system for errors, and Rob was typing in the box to show us how it works, since we do have some people who've never used a computer before :O, and he types:
"Help. The keyboard is levitating. It's freaking me out. And smells like chocolate."


I'm also working on really cleaning and organizing my apartment so that I can create a small studio in it. And when I get home... I am so building a studio along with my darkroom. You have no idea. I am absolutely in love with this profession.

Photography is a great passion. :heart:

So yeah, college is rocking some major socks. Seriously, I wish high school had been like this.

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