
Monday, October 15, 2007

Set Your Roommate on Fire Instead

Well, classes are continuing to go smoothly, and I like that. We're going to be getting into using the view camera with 4x5 film soon, and later digitally!!! <3 I am wicked excited for that. View cameras are awesome.

I think the part I like best about it though, is that we can do whatever we want so long as we tell Dick D. first so he can walk us through common sense. I mean, one kid lit his arm on fire for it, and all Dick scolded him for was being too stupid to do it without having a way to put it out right after. He should have used his roommate. xD Haha. Another set of kids set a globe on fire at 2am and that got out of hand... which is when Dick got the call. x3 Then there was the one who almost electrocuted himself... had Dick not stopped him... >.< So yes, Dick is going to be our common sense as we make wild with creativity. :3

I then went home for the weekend... <3

Did some shooting that very night in Saratoga on Broadway with Brendan. Had this random guy from Burlington Vermont model for me. Tehe. It was funny, too, because he was looking for a photographer, and I was looking for a street musician. He was a street musician, just lacking his instrument since he was there on business, and I was a photographer. I didn't get the photo he wanted, but I'm still sending him a print.

The reason why I didn't get the photo is because he wanted me to go back to the room his boss had rented him that was pretty much at a love hotel. Heart shaped jacuzzi anyone? So yeah... we weren't going there. Used the excuse that it was too late for Brendan and I. xD And it kind of was... we didn't get back until 11pm... >.> But still, the guy had a really cool coat/scarf/hat thing going on and I got the shot along with a model release. WHOOT! ^^

Saturday was a day for organization. Organization and shopping. :P It kinda sucked... majorly.

Sunday though, I went up to the hunting camp and did some New England life shots. The guys really hammed it up for the camera too. One, who was about to leave, put all his gear back on without anyone asking him to, just to be in the photos. x3 They were awesome. One peed first and came out of the outhouse with a trail of toilet paper... on purpose. lol The guys were busting on him when he tossed it in the burn barrel that they hoped it wasn't used since he wasn't handling it too delicately. xD But I got some great shots there, and some great shots around the area as well.

Those shots included:
Rock painted like a pig
Tree growing out of a house

So I'm pretty happy with my results. Got a lot of shooting done this weekend.

Today was pretty fun too, made Ophelia, Kelly, and Adam build a pyramid for my photo. Ophelia swears she is never working with me again... but we remember what happened with that last time. x3 We were also picking on Adam, telling him how sexy he was. Ophelia's favourite saying from this: "Adam on a plate!" Haha, they're crazy. Went far enough to ask Adam "Boxers of Briefs" and his "size"... if you catch the drift. I was rolling. He called his wife and was like "They're picking on me honey!? Why can't there be more guys around here!?" Hehe... we're terrible. And I think his wife laughed at him too... xD

But Adam is now officially turtle. So yes, Turtle got picked on pretty badly. But we love him. He's a great guy with an awesome personality. His wife definitely picked the creme of the crop.

So that was pretty much my day. Going to have another good one tomorrow, and try not to dwell on NYC too much or I'll chicken out. xP

OH YEAH! Before I forget, never rent from Susan Renfrew... she sucks. It's always between 60 and 65 degrees F in here, and I'm freezing. That, and she doesn't acknowledge communication between the two of us... and she's just a bad realtor. For serious. I hate her so much right now.

And on Saturday I might go visit Z and Carly in Salem. <3

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