
Saturday, December 1, 2007

Lack of a Sense of Humour?

I think Michael Merrit, as great a guy as he is, lacks a really good sense of humour. Which is sad, because he seems like the guy who would have one at first glance. I say this because of an experience...

See, myself and Leslie (new person yo!) were in the Imaging Lab (IL) working on our aerial shots. And she asked me if we could submit black and whites... Well I didn't know so she looked it up on the assignment sheet. Turns out they have to be colour shots. So I said "Hey, just go with sepia then! Brown's a colour!" and we laughed. Michael told us though that that's not what they meant, and that sepia is a tone. We knew that, we were just having fun. He didn't even smile. If anything he seemed angry. o.O

I think this is why his classes make me need other mental stimulation. He tries to be funny... he really does... but he just bombs something terrible. I feel bad for the guy, because like I said, he's really nice.

Oh well, I guess we all can't have a good sense of humour. *shrug*

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