
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Getting Sick

So I totally missed class this morning, and I feel like such a horrible idiot because of it. I was up late last night and the night before not feeling well, and then this morning when my mom called I was up... and then I was like "Oh, I'll just rest for five more minutes and then get dressed... mmmm... warm blankets" and that was it. Lights went out and I was back asleep until about noon. I even had my alarm set for seven so I woke up at that at the latest. But now that I'm awake, I realize I'm kinda sick. Woke up with watery eyes, a sore throat, and stuffy nose. Throughout classes I have been super restless, and unable to just sit still. My back hurts all the time. And I have been having stomach problems every night. And this all can mean only one thing. That my wonderfully special time of the month is probably upon me. And that means super deadly cramps. Especially because even now, even though I've had all those hours of sleep, I could curl right back up and sleep until at least 4pm, maybe longer. I am so not looking forward to this. D:

In other news...

Yesterday we learned about pet portraiture. That class was a BLAST because people actually got to bring in their animals for demonstration. THEY WERE ALL SO CUTE! Someone even brought in a puppy so small you could hold it in the palm of your hand! <333 The cuteness was almost overwhelming. And Tony taught us some great tricks to get the animals to "pose" for us. Which rocks, because this is definitely something I want to do. If there are two things people love to pay for, it's pictures of their kids, and pictures of their pets. And I'll do both. *thumbs up*

Billy's poor puppy, Jackson, did puke all over the floor though after leaving the "kennel" (aka Joey's office xD), but what was disturbing was that this pile of puke was almost bigger than the dog. Craaaaaazy.

That's pretty much it though. The days have been fairly short since we have a lot of studio time.

And on Monday, my Aunt will be in town so we'll be visiting. ^^

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