
Saturday, June 7, 2008

Wanna Race?

So I had to go into Saratoga today to pick some stuff up, and on my way back the most epic thing happened. I thought I was going to have to pull over I was laughing so hard.

What you have to understand, is that on route 50 (which you travel to get where I was going) there is this line of lights. Like... there are at least 7 of them. On the way back, the last one before you can get onto Broadway has signals to go straight, right, or left.

So here I am , starting to slow down to come to a stop at the light before last, where I need to go straight and get off of the main road to head home. It's heavy traffic, and hard to merge and move. I'm looking at my surroundings, seeing what's near, and to my left in the other lane comes this car that would have been nice, had it not looked like the boys inside of it beat it to death with a rubber mallet. This car had more dents in it than the moon has craters, I swear. It was a royal shit box. But they must have been proud of it the way they drove.

Anyways, so there they are, coming up beside me. The next thing I see are windows going down. Yeah, you KNOW somethings up. I ended up ahead of them by a bit because of how traffic was flowing, but then they were beside me again, revving their engine as if they were driving a Corvette or something. By now I've turned down my music and am laughing. Though to them I probably looked like I was grinning, which I was doing that too.

They're in that car, hollering out cat calls and asking for my phone number. You have GOT to be kidding me. Amusing, funny, but definitely not a turn on. At all. But I kept glancing over at them, and then they start revving the engine more. And creeping up past me and hanging back. Ya know, giving all the signals that they want to race. In heavy downtown traffic. Now, I know guys don't always use their brains, but this is ridiculous.

So of course I humoured them. And there was only one reason why I did, and that was that the motorcyclists merged into the left lane so that they could take the left onto Broadway, and I could move forward. So I tapped the gas peddle a bit harder than normal, gave the engine a little rev, and pulled forward. They tried to keep pace, but alas, I didn't have a car in front of me, and they did.

That's about when I went through the light off of the main road, and headed for home. Kept tabs in my rear-view though in case they decided they wanted to follow me. They didn't, thank goodness. I had to go to Stewarts and pick up milk anyways, but having to stop at a public place to call Dad and the police because I'm being tailed isn't my idea of a good day.

Still, it was pretty epic. And it'll make for a good conversation piece. Idiots. x'D

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