
Friday, May 9, 2008

One Final Message...

Almost forgot to mention. This past Monday Hallmark experienced its first power outages that anyone can remember. That's right, the power went out and kept blinking out at Hallmark. I feel bad for the people who were shooting, or had unsaved work open. It was crazy. I couldn't help but laugh at the people who were caught in the bathroom though. x'D

And now, I leave you with a glassware shot I did Thursday night that Dick told me was beautiful and ready for my final portfolio. Dick is amazing too, because he helps bring me back down to earth with the realities of the portfolio review, and bring me out of my terrified stressed zone and into truths. So when you get confused, go to Dick. This man will tell it to you straight. ^^

Here's that glassware! Can't wait to print it up big!

Royal "Purple" Glassware by *Saknika on deviantART

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