
Friday, May 23, 2008

Giving out Prints

So now that the final portfolio is in, and we've all seen how BORING the review process is, I've gotta finish retouching images and printing them out for people. With the portfolio deadline fast approaching, I had to let some images go that were for fun more than portfolio in order to finish on time. So now it's back to retouching. Ugh... I'm still seeing retouching in my dreams, and whenever I close my eyes. So not cool. But, I'll get it done.

I also need to clean my apartment. There's mold in my sink and junk just tossed everywhere. I also haven't gotten food in over a month, nor really cleaned anything for that matter. So... I'm buying me some latex medical gloves and getting to work. Gotta pay my bills too. That portfolio really had me preoccupied. @_@;;

But as I stated, the review process is really boring. Like... even the good students who do everything asked of them were playing games on their cell phones. You didn't have to be tired to fall asleep. It's that bad. Basically, the portfolio is put up on stage, and for about the first 10-13 minutes the judges review it silently as a website is displayed to us. And then the name of the person whose portfolio it is gets announced, and they go up on stage with people, should someone be attending with them. They're then told if it was accepted or if it has to go to rereview, and after that for the next 5-7 minutes the judges give a more in-depth critique. But the majority of it is silent, and obnoxiously long. And so, it's incredibly boring and I am not looking forward to the last day when we all must attend again. For the first time in a long time I was actually glad my stomach wasn't holding lunch right. Being sick meant I had a reason to stay home. I dealt with my IBS in school Wednesday, wasn't doing it for the review too. Nope, not when it could interrupt things. So my afternoon was spent sleeping that off.

Ugh... still, I'm so glad that it's over. That stress is gone. Now I just have to deal with the aftermath, aka the retouching/printing and cleaning. Yuck. xP But it's got to get done. Especially so I can take a bunch of stuff back to New York with me on Sunday.

I seriously think I'm going to go spend the night at Rachael's tomorrow and keep her company, and play some karaoke. Just to further remove myself from the stress of life. Yeah... I like that idea. And it'd be nice to look forward to for when I'm done cleaning. ^^

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