
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Luck of the Draw?

So I went to Beth's* school tonight for a public function, and she showed me around. It was fun, but when I got home I found a tick on my stomach.

A tick. A big, nasty, black tick. That is now suffocating in a baggie.

I had to call my parents, and pull it out with pliers because I had no tweezers. And then I called Tammy, but got no answer. Her home phone just gives dead air, no ringing... so not sure what's up with that. But I called mainly because I don't know how the appointment with the doctor that goes to the school on Thursdays works, but I know I have to go see her.


Tomorrow is my birthday too. As if it wasn't bad enough I'm away from home for it.

So now I'm actually sick. I only felt sick earlier, but nerves can trigger my IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), so guess what... xP You guessed it, I freaked out when I found the tick. I'm sick as a dog, and not liking it. At all.

Someone please pause life for me so I can go curl up in a corner and cry. This really blows.

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