
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Officially a Small Business Owner

It's official, I now own my very own small business, Photographic Phantasy. I got the DBA license and opening the business account over the past two days, and now I can legally do business within the United States of America. Not sure about internationally, but I don't know that I need to worry about that right now. xD All I do know, is that it feels pretty awesome to say that at the age of 19, I started my own business. Even if all I do is freelance for a while, it's a big accomplishment for me. Ever since seventh grade when we did the Pushcart Fair at my middle school, and learned about entrepreneurship hands on, I knew that I wanted to start my own business. And now, here I am, six years later and starting to fulfill that goal. What's most satisfying though, is that today (technically) is my brother's pushcart fair, and I get to attend it. And it will be necessary too, since the school is thinking to do away with it. Health people don't like it because for one day out of a whole year they can't regulate how much junk food is being sold at the school. They need to suck it up, this is a wonderful learning experience and the kids can later spend their profits (if they made any) on their trip to Boston in June. I skipped that trip, but let me tell ya, nothing feels better than to spend money you earned yourself. And these kids deserve that. So I can't wait to attend, and to tell those very teachers who guided me through the pushcart fair where I am now. It's going to be awesome. ^^

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ahhh... Relaxation <3

So now that we're into reviews, I can relax for a bit. It's wonderful.

To start it off, I brought Rachael to the hospital to have some blood work done. That was an adventure in and of itself because she has a needle phobia that's only made worse by panic attacks and the fact that looking at blood makes her feel faint. Need I say more? But she got through it, and it's over, so I'm sure she's relieved.

I then spent the weekend with her, since her parents were away, and we had a blast. Played a lot of karaoke, watched the anime Ghost Stories (which is epically funny because of the satire), she helped me clean my apartment (why she offered I don't know >.<), and one night we went out to dinner because we were distracted by our anime, and totally forgot to go to Scotty's to get food (we wanted us some hamburgers) before it closed at 5pm. x'D So it was fun, and I kept her company and helped out a bit with the dogs so she wasn't alone. I spent the night over the weekend as well, which was fun.

After all that, I headed home to NY, which is where I am now. It's good to be back, and I'll be staying until either Thursday afternoon, or Friday morning. Not sure which. Probably Thursday afternoon though, so I can attempt to get my time set to the afternoon on Monday for my parents to be able to attend my review. I just don't know who exactly to go to. Probably George Rosa III. But I'm not going to think about that right now, because it makes me panic. I really don't want to end up in re-review, and everyone says I'll do fine, but it's still a nightmare I have. >.< Oy.

So here I am, at home, and relaxing. It's wonderful.

To start with, I made a mini-city. And everyone should visit once a day to gain me a big population. xD Click for my Mini-City!

And then I also went and gave my friend Brendan his birthday gift, which I made sure to wrap in newspaper and duct tape. xD It was an epic win when it took him 10 minutes to open it. Hehe. But I got him AIDS and Herpes, because while friends might hire you a hooker, real friends give you venereal diseases. ROFL But seriously, that's what I got him. You can find them on Giant Microbes. They're ADORABLE. <3

Tomorrow I gotta get my business license and account. And then I'm pretty much free Wednesday, and Thursday is my brother's pushcart fair at school, which I shall attend. I'm also going to go visit my high school during this time, and hook up with some friends. Yeah!

And then Friday I am going to prom with Rachael, and hopefully she can spend the night at the apartment so that her parents don't have to stay up late worried and stuff. Then I just gotta ask them if Rach might be able to assist me (paid, of course) at a wedding I'm doing on June 8th in Connecticut. They want exactly ten shots, the formals basically, so we won't be gone too long. But having help would be nice. And I'd definitely pay her for it. But I have time to ask on that one. ^^

So yes, my week is full of relaxation and wonderfulness. I am so glad to have the down time. Gonna retouch the extra photos I have, do some archiving, deliver prints, and be a bum. <3

Friday, May 23, 2008

Giving out Prints

So now that the final portfolio is in, and we've all seen how BORING the review process is, I've gotta finish retouching images and printing them out for people. With the portfolio deadline fast approaching, I had to let some images go that were for fun more than portfolio in order to finish on time. So now it's back to retouching. Ugh... I'm still seeing retouching in my dreams, and whenever I close my eyes. So not cool. But, I'll get it done.

I also need to clean my apartment. There's mold in my sink and junk just tossed everywhere. I also haven't gotten food in over a month, nor really cleaned anything for that matter. So... I'm buying me some latex medical gloves and getting to work. Gotta pay my bills too. That portfolio really had me preoccupied. @_@;;

But as I stated, the review process is really boring. Like... even the good students who do everything asked of them were playing games on their cell phones. You didn't have to be tired to fall asleep. It's that bad. Basically, the portfolio is put up on stage, and for about the first 10-13 minutes the judges review it silently as a website is displayed to us. And then the name of the person whose portfolio it is gets announced, and they go up on stage with people, should someone be attending with them. They're then told if it was accepted or if it has to go to rereview, and after that for the next 5-7 minutes the judges give a more in-depth critique. But the majority of it is silent, and obnoxiously long. And so, it's incredibly boring and I am not looking forward to the last day when we all must attend again. For the first time in a long time I was actually glad my stomach wasn't holding lunch right. Being sick meant I had a reason to stay home. I dealt with my IBS in school Wednesday, wasn't doing it for the review too. Nope, not when it could interrupt things. So my afternoon was spent sleeping that off.

Ugh... still, I'm so glad that it's over. That stress is gone. Now I just have to deal with the aftermath, aka the retouching/printing and cleaning. Yuck. xP But it's got to get done. Especially so I can take a bunch of stuff back to New York with me on Sunday.

I seriously think I'm going to go spend the night at Rachael's tomorrow and keep her company, and play some karaoke. Just to further remove myself from the stress of life. Yeah... I like that idea. And it'd be nice to look forward to for when I'm done cleaning. ^^

Thursday, May 22, 2008



Man... it feels so good to be done too. I had everything printed, organized, and in my box with the paperwork at exactly 2:17pm yesterday. Which gave me about a three hour waiting period until we were able to get in line and hand them in. I am really excited about my portfolio now, as well as nervous. John Nordell and I organized it though, which I'm happy about. I was going to seek him out to help me with it, but he ended up coming upstairs to the lounge before I could do that. How lucky, yeah? ^^

Anyways, so he and I organized it to start and end strong. I specifically wanted him to help, too, because he was the one who looked over my stuff when I went for my interview, and I knew then and there that we had a similar eye when it came to looking at images and laying them out. Just by the things he noticed, and the comments he made. And classes with him only further cemented that fact in my brain. So he and I got a strong layout going, and I'm wicked happy.

Now all I have to stress about is the review, and hope I'm not going to end up in re-review. D: The only thing that might get me are my personal submissions... one is a little bright. And the in-home family and pet+owner for harsher lighting. Oh, and the architecture just because I suck at that. xP Cross your fingers and hope the rest of my portfolio pulls up the grade enough! I really want to pass! All I need to do is get a cumulative grade of 75% to do that. So I'm really hoping that my other portraits really pull that grade up. Really really hoping.

Having that portfolio done though... it's a big relief. And I'm sure everyone feels that way. I came home and made love to my bed afterwards. Best sleep I've had in a month. I was passed out from 7pm to 4:30am.

Oh! Almost forgot though! To hand in the portfolios we all had to wait in line. Well, that line started forming around 2:30pm, and I finally got into it around 3:15pm after having some free pizza that was upstairs. I'm glad I got into it when I did, because when I was leaving it was wrapped all the way down the hallways. It was HUGE. Good god... And I was kind enough to let Debbie into the line ahead of me since she had her daughter's graduation to go to at 6:30pm, and she needed to leave at 6pm from home at the latest to make it, since it was in Springfield, MA. No one else would let her do that. But oh well, we were out of there by 5:15pm, so I really hope she made it on time. I really, really hope she did.

Afterwards I went to Rachael's house (FKA Beth, she has now given permission to be named), where we were going to play karaoke... but ended up just chatting for a little over an hour because we were both exhausted. And that's when I came home and slept up until now.

So I'm off to get ready for the first day of portfolio review, which all sections are required to attend, and to burn a second DVD of my images so that I can build you all a wonderful gallery to look at my final portfolio. It will be in order as John and I placed it. Just have to get the damn simpleviewer script to work. I've done it before, just not via Dreamweaver. So... methinks I'm going to edit the script with notepad again. x'D Dreamweaver screwed me over with it last time. *shakefist*

But yes, I'm off! No boring HTML and XML bitching for you!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Home Stretch




Not really. Well, I didn't die at least. Yet. But the portfolios are all due by 5pm today, and it's kind of a mad rush here at Hallmark. An erilly calm mad rush. But I know we can all do it... well... I hope we can at least. x'D Most of us didn't get more than 3 hours of sleep last night. Personally, I'm running on barely two, and I came into school with a stomach that was rioting. Ugh. However, my DVD is burned, and my PDF is dropped onto the server. Two more things done. What does suck though, is I grabbed a wrong file from home. >.< Damn tifs. Damn laptop being a bitch. Well no, not the laptop--Lightroom and Photoshop being bitchy. That's what kept me up until 5am. But anyways... I have to run back home quick and nab the correct files for printing. Only one or two though, so that's not bad at all.

After I grab those, I'm off to see an instructor to get them in a strong order, and then I can hand this puppy in. In between everything I've been doing the paperwork and stuff, so I didn't waste any time. Seeing how I'm typing this blog up as stuff prints, you know my paper work is done. *thumbs up* That's always a relief.

But yeah, it's looking like just that one damned image has to be reprinted. Man... that kinda feels good. Kinda, but not quite, because it still means I have to run home, get the file, return, and then I can print it. After I get another computer. v_v; But I know I can do it. I can do anything I put my mind to.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Probably Shouldn't have Slept

Ugh... I was supposed to go see Tony today with Celia and Christie, but I just never woke up. Of course, it doesn't help that they wanted to go see him around 7:30am... and I'm just not a morning person. Especially when I don't have much reason to be there that early... And I was up until about 2:30am, 3am retouching. Didn't really get to bed until around 4am. So I'm still tired as it is. But I have more stuff I need to finish retouching so I can be ready to print tomorrow. Man... time just flies. I do have everything shot though, so no worries there. I got the last two done yesterday, so that was pretty cool. So retouching... here I come! @_@;;

Monday, May 19, 2008

Long Journey Back

So I left around... oh... 5am today and got back by 7:30am. Helped that I was doing 80mph most of the way, even if I did have to get into the slow lane to let some cops pass me. Yeah... they didn't like 80 apparently. Never pulled me over, but they were cruising for sure. One in NY, and one in MA, and both of them were tailgating me until I let them fly by. Yikes.

Before I even got on the highway though, I was attacked by geese. No lie, there were two of them on 147, and as I drove by they lunged at my car to attack it. WHAT THE HELL!? Aren't animals supposed to be afraid of that sort of stuff? I thought they were! Good god! Send those things to Iraq, they'll get the job done. o.<

But the journey was long, because I got sick during it. Thankfully it was within ten miles of home that the worst of it hit, but still. I don't like being sick, and I really don't like my IBS, which is what flared up again. So I ended up returning the lens to Joey and then returning home to die. And before anything is said about just dealing, IBS is like having a belly full of battery acid that's about to be set on fire to explode. It hurts so bad you can't breathe right, and you can't stand all the way up because everything is spasming that bad. There is no medicine for it either, and nothing to stop it once it starts. So the only option I had was to get sick when my stomach demanded a bathroom run, and to sleep it off.

So far, so good. I'm holding down a sandwich I ate for lunch around 2pm, and hoping to go to the CS around 5:30pm. Gotta do one of the two shoots I have left tonight. And then tomorrow I have studio time to do the last one. I doubt I can pull them both off tonight. If I could though... that'd be great. I think I'm going to do my metal shot tonight though, and the environmental still life tomorrow. And I'm really hoping they don't take too long. Bleh.

Though... with my simplistic nature, I just might be able to do both tonight. I know exactly what I want to do after all... So anything is possible. If I can get both done tonight, that would be wonderful. That would leave all tomorrow for just retouching, and Wednesday for printing. I'd like that.

Anywho, I'm off to do some more retouching since I have so much on my laptop that needs it. Gotta get it done.


Back to Mass

Well, thanks to my stomach flaring up last night, I'm heading back to MA at 4:30am. Whoo... xP Ugh... I really hate driving back. And I hate 4:30am. And I hate driving alone, especially for long periods of time. So I really hate this drive. Damn stomach acting up on me last night. *shakes fist* If it weren't for that, I'd already be back in MA. If it weren't for the fact that I have to return a lens to Joey, I'd probably have just stayed home today, done a bunch of retouching, and returned this afternoon. Or something. As it is I might just have to return the lens, go home, and crash. Depends on if the drive kicks my ass or not. And I have critique this morning too. Dammit. Oh well, gotta do what I gotta do. I'm already going to be retouching like mad. I hate retouching sometimes. Blarg.

Somebody needs to hurry up and invent a way to teleport. So I can go back to sleep for a few more hours. v_v;

Sunday, May 18, 2008

I Do What I Can

So today I went to Catra, and it was cold. Really, really cold. Mostly because it opened up and poured around 1:00pm, and had just been overcast and breezy all morning. Yeah, morning. We were there by 9am, I was out the door at 7:45am. Had to go wait at the Ambulance Core Building while they staged the rig and stuff. Why'd I do it that way and not go right over? Well A) I might have been able to help at the building, and B) if I go over with them, I can park for free for being with the crew.

So we went over around 8:30am, and all was well. Got the tent set up, pulled out the chairs and medical equipment, and sat down to watch the start of the race. Well, they did. I pulled out the Mamiya and found a place by the track. About... oh.... ten feet from where the racers would be? x'D

Lemme tell ya, last year I got panning by sheer accident. This year I couldn't get anything. The camera lagged, and the digital back lagged, and I couldn't sync it well enough. So no panning for me. I did get a really nice group shot though thanks to the 35mm lens I borrowed.

Good thing I didn't absolutely have to have the action shots. ^^;

I was more useful at the Med Tent anyways. And it gave me a good excuse to get away from this Masshole (oh he was one before you get angry) who was going on about how funny the accidents were, and how that's what he came to watch, and he lived to get hurt, blah blah blah. He was laughing about how one kid (yeah, little kids ran Saturday) got run over yesterday! NOT FUNNY. His Mom agreed with me that it wasn't cool to laugh at, and he shut up when I told him I was with EMS (Emergency Medical Services). I mean, yeah, accidents can be interesting, but people getting hurt isn't funny unless they're laughing too.

So I ditched him by saying I needed to check in at the Med Tent. Didn't truly have to, but his nonsense was just... he wanted to be a know-it-all tough guy, and I was having none of it. He wanted to show me a good spot for pictures, and unfortunately they weren't running that part of the track this year (it's an 8 mile trail over boulders, stumps, logs, and through swamps basically), so until we noticed that I had to listen to him try to preach NY State law to me. Which is crap, because I think I know the laws of my state. Such an ass.

We did have one kid get pretty seriously injured today as well. Compound fracture to the femur, and he had to be carted out of the woods. 3 miles back in he was. Thank god for four-wheelers, though Kelly and Diana and Dave (the EMTs who went back since there were two injuries, but one wasn't as serious) all said they wouldn't ride them again with the sweepers (guys who ride the track to make sure things are all clear and to find the injured and those in need of help). But it got the guy out, and then the ambulance took him out to the road where a chopper was called in to assist and take him to the hospital. If I could have made it out in time, that would have been an awesome Photo J shot, but there wasn't time to do that. And I was busy at the Med Tent helping with patient care reports and getting supplies for the EMTs.

Next year Dad says he will have the trailer fixed and we're bringing our four-wheeler up to use to carry EMTs. And that will probably be my job, to ferry EMTs and patients in and out of the woods. Over stumps, and logs, and boulders, and through swamps. xD I'm not even kidding, these trails are insane.

So all in all I didn't get any good action shots from the day, but I did make myself feel morally good by helping out other people. I can't do much since I don't have the training (yet), but I do what I can. And taking care of the menial tasks frees up the EMTs to do what they know best. I do plan on taking the EMT course or getting the Red Cross first aid training soon though.

However... my legs are screaming. Hiking in the woods with a camera is bad. Running around on uneven terrain to help medics is bad. But it does my heart good.

Later today I managed to snag both my in-home family and my pet+owner. So I just need to finish my design pieces and shoot in the CS and I'm all done shooting. I'll just have to retouch and print, which doesn't take too awful long; provided the computer cooperates.


I HATE My Body D:

So... it's even more official. I hate my body. And my recent luck. I wanted to shoot three things today, only got one. So I have three things to do tomorrow. And I need to be up early. So you know what happens? I GET SICK. >.< I don't know if the pasta I ate isn't agreeing with me, or if I'm panicking, or a combination there of; but whatever it is I don't like it. And I really, really, REALLY hate it when I can't tell. Like right now. Hell, for all I know, last night is repeating itself. By that I mean that I'm feeling out-of-sorts because I'm NOT feeling sick. Yeah, it's been that bad lately that healthy feels wrong. God how I hate this. I just want to have everything shot and be done with it already! The sooner the better. And retouching too. Ugh... I am so sick of retouching. But it has to get done. Bleh xP My goal is to have nothing but printing and DVD burning and PDF creating and Dropboxing left to do on Wednesday. It'd be nice. And if I work hard, I should be able to accomplish that. Just means I might have to sacrifice some sleep. So... don't expect to see me on Thursday. I will be recuperating.

I really wish the recuperation mention was a joke, too, but I think I really might be. My right leg is giving me hell, and pushing on like this cannot be helping. But there's not much I can do about that. And I know I'm catching some sort of cold, too. And with my diet, or lack there of pretty much, my stomach must be suffering as well. I'm amazed my body hasn't just shut down yet. I get random joint pain and fatigue lately, and I know my body isn't working nor reacting right to anything. The random bruising on my one leg is what bothers me the most though. No idea where it keeps coming from. v_v;; So... Thursday seriously might just be for me to sleep and heal. Good god... so not cool.

Shit... scratch that, I have to go in. We're all required to be there the first day of portfolio review. So... I'll see what I can do. I am not looking forward to sitting in those chairs though. Sitting=Stiff leg. And that means pain when I move. As it was I almost couldn't stand today when I woke up. Great...

Yeah... definitely going to have to see a specialist this summer. Blarg.

Hallmark... is going to be the death of me. x_x

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Home Stretch

This is it, the last few days before the final portfolio is due. O_O;; So I have to finish up a few more images, do a lot of retouching, and I'm golden. At least until portfolio review... where I find out if I get to pass or go back to re-review. v_v;;

But I'm almost done. All I need are:
In Home Family Portrait
Action Shot, either showing or stopping the motion.
Pet with Owner
Environmental Still Life
Reflective Metal

The first four I am knocking off this weekend, pretty much all of them on Saturday, and then Monday I will get the other two commercial studio images done. I was going to do them this week, but it just was not a good week. At all. x_x; So Monday it is. Once I'm set up I tend to be able to work fast. Which is good for me.

This weekend while I'm shooting, I'm also going to be retouching every image that I can. So that I don't have to do as much at school, except print. And printing is pretty easy.

I'm kind of uneasy about having waited so long to do those last two shots, but it was a bad decision on my part so now I have to live with it. But I'm determined to graduate, so I will get them done. Even if it has to be at 3am, they will be done!

So I can totally see a lack of sleep in my near future for retouching. Oh well. Not that big a deal. So long as Photoshop doesn't lag too bad, or crash again (the files from the Leaf Aptus back on my overly-full laptop just don't get along with Photoshop because they're so big @_@) then I should be fine. So we shall see.

And tomorrow is Catra, along with Sunday. I AM SO EXCITED. Catra is the local Motocross event held in my hometown in the middle of nowhere, NY. You can get within 25ft of the bikers as they maneuver the trails. IT IS SUCH A RUSH! OwO. Of course, I can't go just for photography. Didn't last year, don't plan on it this year. While I'm there I double as a photographer and a volunteer member of the ambulance core. Due to my lack of training as an EMT, and lack of a CDL on my license, I just take down information. It's not much, but it frees up the other members to be treating the injured. And I don't mind, if it weren't for the fact that I'd be far too interested and curious about injuries and the like, I was going to join the core as an EMT last summer. But I would have frightened the patients. ^^; I'm better off in a morgue probably...

Anyways, onto a better topic once more...

So I will be at Catra for part of Sunday, and possibly Saturday. Not sure yet. But I know I'll get some action shots. When I went through what I shot last year, I actually had some slight panning shots. O_O I was SHOCKED, to say the least. So if I could do it last year without knowing I was doing it, then I am pretty sure I can pull it off this year intentionally. And I'll have plenty of chances to try!


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Happy Birthday

Happy 19th Birthday to myself. I miss my family. First birthday without them. I'm glad I have friends.

Now to just not be sick. x_x

To do today:
Exit Stafford Loan Counceling
Portfolio Prep to find out what we're doing in June
Commercial Studio all afternoon, which is when I'll go see the doctor and get some photos done
Photo shoot at 6pm
Hang with Beth* for a bit


I'm gonna go watch more A-Team to try and relax my stomach and pretend I don't feel like I want to vomit.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Luck of the Draw?

So I went to Beth's* school tonight for a public function, and she showed me around. It was fun, but when I got home I found a tick on my stomach.

A tick. A big, nasty, black tick. That is now suffocating in a baggie.

I had to call my parents, and pull it out with pliers because I had no tweezers. And then I called Tammy, but got no answer. Her home phone just gives dead air, no ringing... so not sure what's up with that. But I called mainly because I don't know how the appointment with the doctor that goes to the school on Thursdays works, but I know I have to go see her.


Tomorrow is my birthday too. As if it wasn't bad enough I'm away from home for it.

So now I'm actually sick. I only felt sick earlier, but nerves can trigger my IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), so guess what... xP You guessed it, I freaked out when I found the tick. I'm sick as a dog, and not liking it. At all.

Someone please pause life for me so I can go curl up in a corner and cry. This really blows.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Family Portraits are the New Birth Control

So I did a family portrait on the evening of mothers day. Now, me being me, I can't pick anything easy. So while many of my fellow classmates probably picked 3-person families, I had to go out and pick one with six people. That's right, six. S.I.X.

And two of these people, were boys of the ages 6 and 9, I believe. Either way, they were above four and below ten. And they were a HANDFUL. The one kid (older one) had an excuse for everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. If his back didn't hurt, his feet did. Or his legs. Or head. Or he needed a drink. One time he even said he had to brush his teeth. All because he wanted nothing to do with my picture.

...I feel demoted. Apparently this kid would have had a better time brushing his teeth than getting his picture taken. I wonder if he'd rather go have a shot, too... >.>;;

But I did get the portrait, even if there was a lot of crying and a frustrated dad. The family consisted of both parents, a ten year old daughter, the two boys, and an infant. Yep, I had the whole slew of them. But it was fun, and I enjoyed meeting them all. I'm pretty sure the images came out good, too, so that's all that matters.

Lemme tell ya though, I will never ever be having the desire for kids anytime soon now. That was definitely some powerful birth control. Holy crap. Every student should be required to do a large family portrait with kids, because they will never want kids again. Not for years, I swear it!

Anywho, gotta get me some shut eye. I stayed back in NY to get my shots done (I only have a few left, mostly studio! YAY!), and I am returning at 6am tomorrow. So it's bedtime for moi!

And yes, I am quite crazy. But 6am is far better than 4:30am! xD

Battle Reenactors

So I officially love battle reenactors. They are just a ton of fun to work with. And it was great to meet them, because it's just cool to get to talk to people doing something they enjoy. These men definitely loved every moment of it, too.

I went to the Historic Saratoga Battlefield with two friends, Brendan and Sophia (Hammie). It was so much fun to have them with me. Brendan was acting as my photo assistant, and Sophia was there for her own art. This was for the Plein Arts Festival, where the park was opened up for free for all artists. Soooooo cool. <3 They do another in October, I cannot wait.

Anyways... back on topic...

So we were working with the reenactors, and they were just hamming it up for the camera. They were literally willing to do anything. And when I say anything, I mean anything. So when I asked them when/if they were going to be firing the muskets, they asked if I'd like them to do it then and there.

Well... YEAH!!! So, myself and my friends got a private performance pretty much. There were a few other people (including another photographer who I'll go into detail about in a bit), but they did it because I asked. And it wasn't just one shot, it was three. Three shots, just for us.

But that wasn't the only cool thing. After that, they asked if I'd like to see and shoot a bayonet charge. Well, I'm up for anything so I said why not. Not only did I get to shoot a bayonet charge, I got to stand in front of the charge and shoot it while jogging backwards. TOO COOL. That was one of the most awesome things I have EVER done. EVER. I would do it again. No... I plan on doing it again.

Anyways, on that other photographer. He looked like he knew what he was doing. Had a beautiful Telephoto (looked like a 300mm) L-Series lens on his camera, and a good vest for holding photo-y stuff. But, as we all know, looks can be decieving. Not only did he never engage the reenactors, but he never once took out a flash or reflector to battle the raccoon eyes. And he was so close, that I had to wonder... was he just getting face shots? Because I had to back up a lot farther than he was with a 150mm lens... :\ Who knows. Anyways, he was about to leave until I started shooting... and then he lingered and shot some more as I set them up. x'D I think he was a bit jealous of my people skills. lol And the Mamiya. ROFL So I've definitely seen a bit of my amateur competition. They have the money for lenses (lucky bastards), but they lack the knowledge. Shame.

Anyways, here are some photos. I wish I hadn't forgotten my 80mm lens. >.<

Sir Redcoat by *Saknika on deviantART

The British are Coming by *Saknika on deviantART

Bayonet Charge by *Saknika on deviantART

Waiting for the Smoke to Clear by *Saknika on deviantART

And I am totally not done with all the editing yet. Those were just my personal four favourite. x3

Friday, May 9, 2008

One Final Message...

Almost forgot to mention. This past Monday Hallmark experienced its first power outages that anyone can remember. That's right, the power went out and kept blinking out at Hallmark. I feel bad for the people who were shooting, or had unsaved work open. It was crazy. I couldn't help but laugh at the people who were caught in the bathroom though. x'D

And now, I leave you with a glassware shot I did Thursday night that Dick told me was beautiful and ready for my final portfolio. Dick is amazing too, because he helps bring me back down to earth with the realities of the portfolio review, and bring me out of my terrified stressed zone and into truths. So when you get confused, go to Dick. This man will tell it to you straight. ^^

Here's that glassware! Can't wait to print it up big!

Royal "Purple" Glassware by *Saknika on deviantART

Weekend Schedule Thus Far

So this weekend is going to be a busy one for me. So busy that I'm not returning to Massachusetts until around 1:30pm on Tuesday. I'll leave New York at 11am to do so.

Here's what it looks like though:

Friday- Get out of class at 5pm, and grab Hammie from Bard College. Get home around 9, 9:30pm.

Saturday- Leave the house around 7:45am, pick up Brendan by 8am, and be to the Historic Saratoga Battlefield by 9am for orientation and a day to shoot the reenactors. We'll probably leave around lunch time when the lighting gets bad, and grab a bite to eat. Then to Yaddo to show that to Hammie, and take her picture. Around 5pm I will return Hammie to Bard, and be home by 9pm at the latest.

Sunday- Mother's day! Be out of the house by 11am, and spend from then until about 5pm at my grandparent's. Leave then and commute back to do photos. Family portrait for :devpicworth1000words: at 7pm. I'm hoping to also do a photo of my friends Nikki and Justin (sister and brother) as a couple shot between 6 and 6:30 when I get back. Have to talk to them. Might do something after the family portrait as well. Sunset is after 8pm.

Monday- Get up early again, just because I should. Also because I want to get into the C+R restaurant and do not only architecture, but the occupational. They don't serve breakfast, so it would be empty. During today I will shoot my sister and Captain Jack, my brother riding his bike and making that into a panning shot, and possibly get out to Round Lake to do an image of my Aunt in her garden around 5:30pm. If possible I also am going to try and get into Craig's home to do an in-home family portrait.

Tuesday- If I can't do the C+R Monday, I will do it today. Also, finish any packing I have to do, and be on the road by 11am. Get lunch around the time I get back, eat it, and then at 3pm head into the commercial studio to shoot either my metal or my environmental still life. Those are all I have left to do in there, and I hate them both.

Sometime during all this I also want to deliver a few prints, try and pick up uranium glass, and if Photoshop behaves, do retouching.

But all in all, within those plans I have listed out ten shots for my final portfolio. Good god... It's a good thing I enjoy this stuff. @_@;

Might Need to See the Doctor

So with all this fast-paced photography and stuff, I have totally been neglecting my body. I've been trying to be more conscious about eating and stuff lately, but that doesn't stop me from abusing my physical limits. And I know that I have been abusing them because my body and I aren't getting along again.

A lot of it would be the panic attacks. This I know is stress, and I'm hoping the other stuff is too... but I'm not sure. The issue with the panic attacks now though, are that they're fairly constant. They're not lasting long though, which is okay with me. I can survive 20-30 seconds of a panic attack at a time.

What's getting bad, are my legs. Specifically my knees. I already knew that I had to go see a specialist this summer for them, but they are just really bad. It started months ago, where on rare occasions they would ache so bad that in order to sleep I had to prop them up so they were either equal to or above my heart, and then stay still. Well, that happens a bit more frequently now, and I have a new issue.

It's starting to hurt to go up and down stairs. Right now it's just a bad pressure in my knees, but I know it shouldn't be there. And today when I went down them in my right knee (which has been aching constantly lately) I got this hot rush, like when you get a big cut or something, down my leg. It was not pleasant, but it didn't last. Still, I don't think it's a good sign.

What's worse, is kneeling is getting painful too. And I have to do a lot of that.

And on my left leg, there are three bruises that appeared last week sometime out of nowhere, and have yet to disappear. In fact, I think one is getting worse. They don't really hurt, but I'm concerned and keeping an eye on them.

Like I said though, I am really hoping it's all just stress related. Because if not I'm in deep shit.

It's times like these that I wish I hadn't played volleyball with such neglect. Of course, diving for the ball was a specialty of mine. And my first year, I had a coach that used and abused this. Even sending me onto the court once without them.

When I roller bladed at family skate nights, I always fell on them. There was one time that I couldn't go to school the next day because they were almost black I had bruised them so badly.

Out on the boat, it's my knees that have always taken the shock waves as we go over waves, even when sitting because I always brace myself with my legs.

I also grew up in the woods, so jumping down small ledges and stuff was not uncommon. Neither was bracing myself with my knees and shins.

So they have been abused for years. I'm just hoping it's a big build up of scar tissue that can be removed or something. Who knows. But the warning signs with how they crack every time bend them pretty much started back in middle school. And I've had issues with my feet before.

Looks like my doctor will be seeing me soon. But not until after the final portfolio is done and in. That comes first, then I can let my body fail the rest of the way.

For now... ever onward.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Moving and Cruising

Okay, so even though I feel like shit (yay being a woman... /sarcasm) I made myself do some shooting today. My model that was due in at 2pm flaked... bastard, so I'm in need of a male model. Beth might have found me one, but I'm waiting to hear back. So in the mean time I message like... ten other guys on Model Mayhem. One already responded with a no since he's also busy with finals though. No biggie. I hope the others respond soon. *crosses fingers*

Tomorrow I am going to hang out in the IL to polish up my images that I shot tonight. I was going to do them on my computer, but after it took 15 minutes for photoshop to use the paintbucket tool I was like "Hell no" and gave up. I finished one of three shoots and called it quits. Took 30 minutes to save. Ugh. Stupid leaf aptus .mos files. I hate them. As soon as you download them off the CF card they're about 45mb each in size. *kicks big files* Slowing up my laptop. Bastards.

But yes, I did shoot three requirements tonight: Drop 'n Pops, Ad, and Glassware. The glassware was what I retouched though, since a friend from Singapore wanted to see. So that kind of decided what I would retouch first. And man, it took FOREVER. It was the Photoshop session from HELL. I swear. But, at least glassware is retouched. I really like it.

So tomorrow, I'm either going to both shoot in the commercial studio during my studio time and retouch in the IL, or just go straight to the IL. I think because I don't feel like being up at 8am, I'll just do some retouching. That way I can get up around 9:30am, and wander in around 10am. Yeah... I like that idea.

God... I can't wait for the 21st. When everything is turned in. After that, maybe I'll start eating right again. I'm sure it'd help me feel better. v_v;;; I've barely been having one meal a day lately, because I'm stressing out so bad and trying to get everything done. Ugh.

If you are a future Hallmark student reading this, listen closely. Make sure you shoot at least three things every week during phase four. You will be much better off. Believe me. I wish someone had told me that. >.<

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Waiting for the Weekend

I. Cannot. Wait. For. The. Weekend.

Good god I cannot wait. Because come the weekend I can guarantee that I will have so much more done on my final portfolio, and I will feel much less stressed--I hope. v_v Hell, I just plain can't wait until I'm done with the whole portfolio. That way all I have to stress about is the review, and if I'm getting sent to re-review or not. >.<;; God I hope not.

Monday night I shot Oh Odette for my high key as a Geisha. I'm really happy with the results, I'm just in a toss up between two images. So I'm going to take them to Rich soon, I hope. Depends on if I have time. I'm supposed to have a male for low key today, but we'll see. Haven't heard from him in a bit, and if he flakes I will be PISSED.

The big thing I still need to do is to get into the commercial studio. It's just that setting up in there takes so much out of me. Ugh... I hate it. xP And what I really hate, is that we need an environmental still life for our portfolio. That, right there, is BY FAR the BIGGEST pain in my ass EVER. I have a few ideas... I just don't feel like setting them up. Call me lazy, but my body it tired. It has been tired. And now I'm sick to top it off. Blarg.

On the plus side, this weekend I have the rare chance to shoot historical reenactors. That's right, you heard me, reenactors. In full costume. This is an event going on in Saratoga, New York, at the old battlefield. And I'm dragging two friends along with me. One who attends Bard college, and then one from home who is my photo assistant whenever I need one. He just likes to get out of the house. But it will be fun, and then there is a high probability that the work will be called upon for display. So I am very excited. Great chance to make connections and to get my name out. It's like killing two birds with one stone. Three if you count the fact that I'm then dragging my friend from Bard to Yaddo to make her pose for me. xD

And then Sunday is Mother's Day. And so I will be with family most of the day, until I go to do a family photo. I have to say, this whole photography thing is really great for getting me away from uncomfortable situations, and with my grandfather as he is I try to be at that house as little as possible.

I will be staying back Monday as well, so that I can get some shooting done that day too. 'Fraid that guest speakers are not as important as this final. Those speakers aren't going to help me make it through this step, the images are. And after being sick and having so many issues, this is necessary. So, gonna still be in NY on Monday.

On the plus side though, the commercial studio stuff that is really simple should fly by, like the drop 'n pops, and for my advertisement; so that will get a lot of shots done really fast that I can totally knock off my to-do list. Huzzah! I like it when that happens.

I'll tell you what though, the stress is incredible. And part of it is because it's like you're living two lives. One for Hallmark, and one in the real world. Balancing between them is not easy. No wonder so few younger people get in. Ugh.

Anyways, I'm just starting to ramble, so this shall be the end of some current musings. I am heading back to dreamland, where stress is no more.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Intermitency and an Update

So I've managed to snag some intermittent sleep so far tonight, but thanks to having to pee my mind kind of woke up. So I'm tiring it back out again. Might as well discuss Hallmark-y things while I'm at it. Still feel a bit panic-y, but it has subsided greatly.

First things first, gotta go see Tony tomorrow. Myself, Celia, and some other girl I don't think I know (but who Celia had a falling out with apparently) have to make up our 30 minute speech together. Or 40 minute. I can't remember how long it was anymore. All I know is that it has to get done. So Tony asked we come in the morning, I'll be there for a bit. Not long though, because I'm gonna need more sleep and I'd feel bad falling asleep in the seminar.

Yesterday was all business-y type stuff. We had a class on Finances, Business Law, and Part-time employment. It got dull in areas, but at least it was all good information. Found out just how bad the government is screwing us over, and that it's a voluntary matter on if you pay income tax or social security. IRS doesn't want you to know that though.

Also given these two things to look up:
Freedom to Fascism
Allodial Title

Two things that should prove interesting. I'll get on that later.

Michael Zide informed us today, through an in-class discussion (after we found out about Lisa's Moose sighting on I91) that he would like to know what noise a moose makes. I told him to get a moose call.

Apparently I don't look well though, because Debbie mentioned I was pale and looked like I hadn't slept in weeks. Sounds about how I feel. It's hard to eat, because it seems like all food makes me sick. Yuck. I'm practically anorexic. But, I can't stop. Gotta keep moving, keep shooting, and by god, keep retouching.

Got a lot of stuff set up though, so I'll be damned if it's not done on time. You better believe it will be. I've come too far to give up now. Though at times it seems like the goal is impossible to reach. It's odd too, because I had all these great ideas... and then they weren't executed. And for the life of me I can't figure out why.

One thing I do know is effecting my work here is my worry over my family back home. My grandfather is dying, has been dying for 7 years now from Persistent Super Nuclear Palsy. And I received word recently that he's not doing well at all. So it's like every day I'm just waiting for that phone call...

My brain is just plain frazzled, too. Ugh. I can't wait for karaoke this Thursday. I might not get to be there for the whole thing, I might have to shoot for a bit too, but at least it'll be some time to try and relax.

Anyways, it's time for me to try and sleep some more. Goodness knows I need it. x_x

Here we go Again...

I can feel another psychological panic attack setting in. Headache, nausea, the feeling of the loss of breath and increased heart rate without it actually existing, hot and cold sweats... here we go again. Dammit.

Good thing tomorrow is guest lectures, because I don't know if I can hold it off or not.

I'm hoping that maybe watching some A-Team will help. Just to take my mind off it. I really hope. I don't want to be up all night with this again.

Good thing I trimmed my nails, or I'd claw my palms and they'd bleed. Don't have enough nail to make them bleed this time.

It's going to be a long night. x_x

Friday, May 2, 2008

Wonderful World of Me

Right, so one thing led to another last night, and I got no sleep.

After I fixed my router... kind of, I decided I'd fix IE by trying to remove the program again. Turns out I had done it backwards. So I removed it... still no luck. Decided against rebooting the computer, and went on to fixing my printer.

This printer is wireless. It was connected to the network. But it could not be found. And so it took me two hours to uninstall and then reinstall it, only to find it still couldn't hold a connection. Great. Just what I need. So I went to which is where the printer lives, and tried to connect it there. We waited for it to try and connect for all of five minutes. And then I closed the page, and tried to turn off the printer. Two minutes later when it hasn't shut down, I unplugged it. Plugged it back in and connected it to the router once more--low and behold IT WORKS.

Now, what I didn't mention was that after it was uninstalled, you had to reboot for it to take effect properly. So I did. Now, afterwards I was like "Hm... Just rebooted... might as well try installing IE7 again!"

Now remember, via Add/Remove Programs I have taken this off of my laptop. It has been rebooted, and I no long have any way of getting on IE.

So I double click the installer for IE7.
Still can't install it. Somehow, someway, it is still detecting a newer version.

And this is bad, because now I have no means of going to Rob to get help with my website issue, because there is no longer an IE to test it on, since the forum help failed.


So my last resort is to find my OS Software at home in NY this weekend, and hope that I can reinstall IE directly from that. Cross your fingers and wish me luck!

And now, me and my screwed up left eye (Yeah, it's bugging me and I had to take out the contact xP) are off to sleep. I haven't had any yet, and I'm angry, in pain, and tired. I deserve some sleep. Oi.

Why can't computers be easy, so that when you start something, it can be stopped without messing things up? Would have made my life easier.

In a Very Very Bad Mood >[

Let's get started on the right foot.


Let's start at the beginning of this, when I found out that it is time for us to keep out apartments spotless, because our landlords are going to be showing them to potential renters (since we're gone in June). Now, this wouldn't be a problem except:
A) Cleaning is low on my list, such as to be done throughly after completing my final portfolio. As it is now I'm often times too frazzled to think on anything but that portfolio. Cleaning =/= priority. When lunch becomes your only meal so you can spend the shopping time on the computer editing images, like I do now, you don't really care much about cleaning either. Could have waited to do this until June 1st so that we had time.
B) I don't trust Susan Renfrew as far as I can throw her. And that's not far, because I'm small and skinny and pretty weak.
C) I don't trust strangers who come into my home.
C-1) Susan didn't always keep an eye on my parents and I, what makes me think she'll keep an eye on these potential tenets?
D) Do we get forewarned that it's going to happen? I mean, the place could be clean, but that day you just happened to get a care package with condoms or something in it and BOOM, there it is, sitting out on the kitchen table because you were only going to be gone for a few hours to shoot and your landlord picked that exact time to show the apartment. It was clean! However, your personals were left out for the moment.
E) Did I mention we're all frazzled with the final portfolio and really busy? Yeah...

So yes, I don't like this at all. I'm going to speak with Tammy tomorrow as well, because I am also incredibly dissatisfied with my living conditions. Susan seriously acts like she does not care. A month ago she saw, with her own two eyes, that the hall light was out. She commented on this fact. But it was not fixed. This was a month ago! So yeah... that was the straw that broke the camel's back. If you're a potential student reading this, do everything you can not to rent from Susan Renfrew.

Then, comes tonight, when I tried to get Linksys Easy Link Advisor (LELA) to re-detect my router. I still have an internet connection, and I did before. And then I tried to reconnect it, and went through more bullshit about it not detecting a router that was hardwired to it via a cable than I care to go into detail about. Let's just say I tried setup at least fifteen times. At least. And I used the phone support once as well. Finally, I called a technician. Which is what it came down to the last time this happened. And you know what the bitch on the other end of the phone tells me? That LELA was only meant to set the router up once, and I could uninstall it now. To just use to access my router and monitor things. Well I'm sorry sweetheart, but I did my homework. LELA is meant to monitor your network, and anyone who is accessing said network. No where at can you do that. NO WHERE. Trust me, I looked. And if you go to the help page for LELA, there are a ton of problems and questions... and no support. There is a support team, but they are not answering any questions. They have a total of 11 posts in a forum with 6 pages worth of questions (about fifteen to twenty I'd say per page) over a span of two years. That's right, two years. There are also all these things about firmware updates that you don't want, and a link to downgrade if you got it, but there's no way to know what to do after you download it. Nor to check if you have the updated firmware.

Now, by no means am I a genious at this sort of thing, but I'm definitely good with computers. There was a point that I had an old system, old old system, that only ran Windows 98 because it was so old. And I was teaching myself some MS DOS on it. I understand computers in much more than a basic sense. Wireless not so much, but I don't think it should be giving me such problems. And I definitely do not think there should be so many questions, and so many of them for the same issue, that go unanswered. And I DEFINITELY do NOT appreciate being LIED TO by a technician who barely speaks English (on the English line mind you! They have different help lines for different countries!) at 2am about LELA!

So, do not, for the sake of your mental sanity, buy a linksys router. They are nothing but a headache. This is the third issue I've had with the thing in close to eight months. Bullshit I tell you, absolute bullshit.

You better believe when I found the email to send feedback on LELA that I sent some to them. I hope their eyes bleed when they read about how badly I hate their product. I really do.

And in final news today, I attempted to install Internet Explorer 8 Beta today, to see if it was going to run my webpage properly... and now IE won't open without crashing in five seconds. Can't system restore back to before I updated, and I cannot uninstall it. Can't reinstall IE7 because it detects a newer version, and even using add/remove programs and rebooting to fully rid myself on IE doesn't work so that I can reinstall it. Thank god I prefer FireFox.

I love you Microsoft, your computers make sense to me. But god dammit would you do something about that shitty thing you are trying to call a browser!?

So excuse me while I go pack to head back to NY, and try to actually sleep since I have been sick pretty much every night this week. Meh. D<