
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sickest Week EVER

So this week was probably the sickest one this year for Hallmark. And myself. Personally, I missed all of Monday, Tuesday afternoon, almost missed Wednesday afternoon, and Friday I left in the middle of Danica's class, with only one left after that.

Monday for Hallmark, according to Shelly who handles attendance, so many kids were out that she had issues keeping up with it. And it was pretty much that way all week.

We have a cold, headache bug, and stomach bug going around.

And you know I have the stomach bug. I made it in Monday... and left before the day started because of it. And it's been plaguing me all week, and into the weekend. I'm totally sick of it. xP Worst thing is, I think I might be catching the friggin' cold. Dx I did drink some lemon tea with honey to help boost my immune system though, so I hope that helps. By the way folks... don't lick lemons. That was a bad mistake on my part. >.>;

Anyways, onto classes...

Tony officially made me, for one class, the waker-upper. If anyone fell asleep I was to kick ass and take names. Hehe. No problem Tony! xD

Tony also said that if anyone were to hog a portrait bay, to kick their ass and beat them to a pulp. Exact words. I totally giggled. Tony makes me smile.

Dick D'Lasandro told us that those who were so high-and-mighty about already knowing all the basics never made it to the top 10% of the final portfolios. I had to smile because that would be SanDiego right there. It's because people who already know it all never bother to pick up on the little tips that the instructors are going to teach. It's true if you really think about it. Makes me really glad that we only have a single photography class in my old high school. As much as I love the craft and the darkroom, it saved me from learning bad habits and stuff. ^^

Dick also said we're going to learn commercial photography so well we're going to put the majority of stuff in catalogs to shame, especially glass. YAY! <3

We're also starting posing and portraits with Rich Barnes, which is awesome. We were playing with an obnoxious red wig for that class. When he gives us the pictures I'll totally post them. Seriously, they're laughable. x3

I've found a new love in film scanners as well. Seriously... I want one. <3333333333333

That's pretty much it though. Gotta get ready for next week.

Speaking of getting ready, went to WalMart at like... 10pm last night for a Hula Hoop in order to do my final Phase I assignment. xD I'm such a lazy person. lol

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