
Friday, December 28, 2007

Home for the Holidays

So I am home for the holidays, and it feels GREAT! I have been waiting what seems like f.o.r.e.v.e.r for this two-week vacation. xD Sadly, it's going by incredibly fast, which means too soon I'll be back to work. *sigh* But at least I'm doing what I love.

Of course, Hallmark couldn't just let us have a vacation, even though they said we really didn't have to do these over vacation... Yeah, right. Because people are going to pass up a chance to work with people they know, or are going to leave so many things to the last minute so that they can stress and panic. Yeah... e_e

So instead, we're all fairly annoyed. But hey... that's Hallmark I suppose.

So this is my list of assignments for my holiday vacation, in no particular order:

  • Self Portrait
  • Character Study Portrait
  • Environmental Portrait
  • North-Facing Window Light Portrait
  • Photo Essay (essay done via pictures Dx)
  • Ideas for the Historical Image Recreation Photo

So like... that's six things to think about. D: Two weeks, six assignments, plus holidays with the families. AUUUUUGH!!!

But at least I had a good Christmas! xD

The other issue at hand though, is that my car is in the shop for repairs. I lost my washer fluid, and wipers, plus the turn signal has pretty much fallen off and snapped wires. Fuuuuun... /sarcasm

I also am still dealing with druggie friend issues. D: Geezus

I do have some of my assignments scheduled to be done though. On the 30th I am meeting up with Miss. M to do a character study because her and Aiden are just the perfect character study. Seriously. And she's a ton of fun, which makes it something to look forward to. :D

Then on the 5th of January I am going to a Honeycreeper concert in Saratoga and I'll shoot that and meet them after the show to do my environmental portrait.

I'm going to try to do my photo essay this Saturday... we'll see. ^^;

As for the north-facing window light... who knows. D:

The 31st I have an eye appointment...

On the 5th I might have to do my driver's safety over again because of a speeding ticket I didn't deserve. Dx Stupid cops...

And somewhere in this I want to do figure studies for a friend, and a waterfall side project for myself, not to mention revisit abandoned buildings in snow.

Yeaaah... I'm busy.

And here I thought I'd get to relax. >_o

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Heidi's Xmas Party

So for the first time in my history at Hallmark, I was invited to a party. And that really meant a lot to me. I don't think Heidi knows just how much it meant to me. I felt included, and that was wonderful.

The party consisted of myself, Heidi, June, Diane, Nicole, and Corrine. It was small, but awesome. We did a white elephant gift exchange, which is where you could steal other's gifts. xD But no one really did, which was great. So now Nicole is growing her own Paparazzi, Heidi has peppermint bricks, Corrine has diffusion rods, June got incense, Diane got playdoh (<3), and I have exfoliating foot soak stuff and lip gloss. I'd say we all made out pretty good.

And of course Diane shared the playdoh with us so we all went back to childhood. xD

We also told Nicole that she needs to bring her Paparazzi in to John Nordell. rofl. x3 It'd be so funny.

Later we watched The Polar Express. I'm sure everyone remembers that book from when they were young, with the bell that only jingles for those who believe in Santa? Well, the movie is really awesome, but totally not a good one for kids. How it was rated PG is BEYOND me. Half the movie would have scared me shitless as a kid, and everyone at the party was in agreeance on that. But still, it was cool. I'd watch it again.

We had a lot of good laughs last night too. It was just... I really felt like I was a part of something. So I had a wonderful time. And we have decided to stage a photo in downtown Greenfield or Turners Falls (we haven't picked where yet) come spring of a cowboy shoot out... with cameras! xD How cool will that be!? We were laughing about it a lot as we planned it out. I hope we really pull it off, because it'd be awesome. We're going to get the outfits, and put cameras in holsters, and instead of a tumbleweed rolling by we're going to have a reflector... xD Oh god it's going to be PRICELESS.

We are the shit. Bow down to us. Hehe <3

Too bad today SUCKED because of the snow and ice storm. Blarg.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Go Elf Yourself

Ashley showed this to me, and I can't resist sharing. xD

Yes, that's my picture. Tehe ~<3

I Elfed Myself

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Hello Mr. Jackfrost...

So today I gave my 10min speech with Lisa on Producers. It was really a heart-tugger though, because she was so nervous. Still, she got up and spoke and that's all that matters. :) Paul said it was obvious that I was more comfortable on stage.

Gee... ya think? I don't really have issues with public speaking. Sure, it's a bit nerve-wracking, but I'm not worried overall. xD

And David Fraizer gave us the COOLEST FRACKEN ASSIGNMENT EVER! It is a train wreck of AWESOME! We get to do a photographic representaion of any art piece out there. EVEN MANGA. >3 Ohhhh boy. So I'm gonna do... like... FIFTY MILLION OF THEM! <33333333333333333333333 I was so excited in class I was literally bouncing where I sat. ^^; Tehe...

But then it had to go and start snowing. Hard. So now we're in practically blizzard conditions. It sucks. xP Anyone want the snow? I'll give it to ya for free. Dx

Here are photos: Click to see Pictures
And a Video: Click to see a Video

So... enjoy. I totally got the hell out of that school early though. Made it through the attendance for my last class, and then left. Even Tom Purtisto (instructor) told us he was leaving within a half an hour. So that's saying something.

Some people were talking about camping at the school if the roads got too bad. Poor people.

Man is it good to be home. I'm gonna go get some Hot Cocoa and retouch photos.

PS: Anyone wanna shoot couples with me? ^^

Monday, December 10, 2007

Deadly Weddings

Today was a very humorous day. All thanks to Rich Barnes!

So in Portrait Studio we're moving on to posing couples. And so Rich needed volunteers to pose for him so that the class could see. I was a part of the first set... and let me tell you it was SO odd to have Rich sit super close behind me to show the other girl how to create her pose to compliment mine. But we all just laughed it off. Actually, Mellisa (my posing partner, aka girlfriend lol) were laughing the whole time we were up there. It was great fun! The best part with us was when he was asking general questions, and goes "So how long have you two known each other?" and we just looked at each other and I was like "We've never met", so we introduced ourselves right then and there. xD

But the best was yet to come! He used different people for different posing just so we all could see. And the last set was Ricardo and Josh (later Leslie for the more... intimate stuff...) who were thrilled. But the cameras all came out when Rich was posing them because it was like a gay parade. Lots of huggly-snuggly poses going on here. I am so deadly serious... omg. And Rich had Ricardo lay on the ground... and then on his stomach while he showed Leslie how to lay on top of him. We were ROLLING with laughter. Surprise buttsex much!? OMG... soooo priceless. I wish I had been carrying a little digital for that one. xD It was beautiful. And during this Josh decided to make it a threesome.

God we're terrible. x3

Later in class, because we had ten minutes to kill, Rich told us the story of the WORST wedding he ever shot. Everything was late, his assistant was nervous, and the wedding party wasn't of the terribly kind-natured people. But it couldn't just end there. Nope, while the guests were all doing the Hully Gully (like the Electric Slide... but not...), this one old woman looks up right at Rich's assistant... and just falls over backwards dead! NO LIE!

And when Rich went into work the next day, it was that same woman who babysat his digital asset manager's children. Small world. xD

Seriously though, can you imagine that happening!? Crazy!

In back news, we shot still life in the Commercial Studio, and according to Kathleen I made the perfect Christmas card shot. <333

Merry Christmas 2007 by *Saknika on deviantART

Monday, December 3, 2007

White-Knuckle Driving

So it was pretty much white-knuckle driving to get back to my apartment, because I ended up driving through one hell of an icey snow storm. For the first bit of the journey, none of the roads were plowed. So I was going through a good three inches of snow, and it was sleeting. Not. Cool.

You'd think that the highway would be plowed... nope, that wasn't the case. So when you're on the highway and the top speed you can comfortably do is 40mph... things get rough. It was a nasty, slippery mess out there.

When I got down I-90E a bit though, there was some plowing and salting going on, so the roads weren't as bad. But they still sucked, and visibility was still shit. However, we could get up to 65mph, sometimes 70mph when we were really lucky.

Thankfully, I was doing this late at night so there wasn't a lot of traffic. A lot of traffic really would have killed me. Nope, I started around midnight.

Should have started around 3pm before the shity weather hit... but oops...>.>

So anyways, truckers were my savior because if you followed them, you had a bit of an easier drive. I did make the mistake of trying to pass one, and as I got around his spray of whiteness... there was a slow-moving car right there. I locked my arms and hit the brakes. All I could do was pray I didn't spin out, and that I didn't hit them.

We both turned out okay.

There were a few times I came close to losing control of the vehicle too, but thanks to neutral I was good. You really do remember the oddest things in those situations, lemme tell ya.

You could tell when you crossed into Massachusetts though, because the highway went right back to shit. But of course, it is Massachusetts, so I'm not surprised. When I got onto I-91N... it hadn't been plowed once, or salted.

Yeah, time to pick up the pace Massachusetts! You're slacking!

I could understand that Greenfield really hadn't been touched though. My main concern later at night would also be highways. But it honestly seems like they just didn't give a shit and no one is going to plow until morning. I've yet to hear one go by.

But anyways, I just got in not too long ago. Maybe a half an hour? Still, that stupid storm made my nice 2.5 hour trip into 4.5 hours! >.< I only made one pit-stop, in Lee Massachusetts, because I had to pee and I needed gas pretty badly.

I am so glad to be home.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Gonna Get Kicked... xD

Yeah... I'm fully expecting to get kicked on Monday because I was telling everyone on Friday that I smelled snow coming...

And here comes this massive freaking storm that they expect to dump a ton of snow in the Adirondacks, and at least a foot in Western Massachusetts... Someone is gonna kick me, I swear. lol

So it looks like I'll have to head back earlier on Sunday than I usually do. *shrug* At this rate with the weather, I might not commute home as much anymore. So who knows what will happen. Aside from me being emo-lonely. COME BE MAH FRIEND! <3

I fully expect to be giving those from non-snow regions/states a ride into school too. Cool beans. That means I have a better chance of *gasp* friends! x3

So here's to the fluffy white shit. :d Not. Snow=/=win

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Great Coffee Cup Contest

So the latest Mandatory-Voluntary contest had the theme of "Coffee Cup". This is what I submitted, and have decided to do a series on. So any suggestions on phrases are loved and welcomed. ^^


The Great Coffee Cup Contest by *Saknika on deviantART

PS: My mother said she'd smash the coffee cup against a wall if it went on strike. Now I'm gonna have to report her for mug abuse! lmao xD

Lack of a Sense of Humour?

I think Michael Merrit, as great a guy as he is, lacks a really good sense of humour. Which is sad, because he seems like the guy who would have one at first glance. I say this because of an experience...

See, myself and Leslie (new person yo!) were in the Imaging Lab (IL) working on our aerial shots. And she asked me if we could submit black and whites... Well I didn't know so she looked it up on the assignment sheet. Turns out they have to be colour shots. So I said "Hey, just go with sepia then! Brown's a colour!" and we laughed. Michael told us though that that's not what they meant, and that sepia is a tone. We knew that, we were just having fun. He didn't even smile. If anything he seemed angry. o.O

I think this is why his classes make me need other mental stimulation. He tries to be funny... he really does... but he just bombs something terrible. I feel bad for the guy, because like I said, he's really nice.

Oh well, I guess we all can't have a good sense of humour. *shrug*

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Boob Fest in Portrait Studio

Some days I meet the best people in portrait studio. Seriously.

So I was in a group with Katie and Heidi. They're both great girls... but because Heidi is such a strict Christian, she doesn't approve of anything naughty... and that definitely makes up a good portion of my personality. Don't get me wrong, we get along great! I just have to really monitor my behavior. xD

Well... next to our bay we had Adam, Alexis, and Elise... who were having a boob fest. So while my group was taking a small break to the bathroom/smoke/ect... I wandered over there. And we all had a boob fest! It went from boobs, to Girls Gone Wild, to sexuality (because Adam was all "How many lesbians are there here!?" and all three of us raised our hands, even though Alexis and Elise are only bi x3), back to boobs... It was just plain funny. Alexis, the lucky girl, had a date with a chick later that night though. How unfair. :(

But Elise and I are getting along really well now. She and I worked together in the commercial studio later in the afternoon, and it was cool because we both agreed we'd just fix our images up in Photoshop. Yup, that's right! We have gone digital in the commercial studio! Super cool, let me tell you. It will take a lot of getting used to though, because we don't use all of the digital censors on our Leaf Aptus Digital Backs and stuff. So we're not always getting the full image we think we are, blah blah blah. But still... helluva lot easier than film! And I don't have to scan it now. x3 So that's cool.


Elise stayed after school with me too, since we had to print. We were there until about 7pm, and then I gave her a ride home since her boyfriend had needed the truck for work.

Yeah... hot chick has a boyfriend. That made me sad, but oh well. She's still a friend and that's all that matters. ^^ What's funny though, is that her ultimate goal is to be an animator for Disney Pixar. xD So after Hallmark, she's going to work for a few years and then go back to school. Pretty crazy, but awesome nonetheless.

So yes, yesterday was pretty cool.

Up to bat today: TABLETS IN THE IMAGING LAB! HELLS YEAH!!!! <33333

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Glassware and Airplanes

All right... I got lax on the entries again. >.<" Gomennasai.

Anywho... onto the two highlights...


Glassware first.

So we shot glassware commercially, and it was a ton of fun. I missed my scheduled time though, so I did it after school. And I still got GREAT results. <3 I seriously am in LOVE with glassware. You have NO idea. I could shoot tons more! So pretty! So if you have an idea, lemme know. And if you have a piece you want photographed... lemme know. ^.~ What's even cooler though, is that over the summer when I photographed my glass beads and flame-working... I was doing it correctly without the knowledge I gained from the commercial studio! o_o How friggin' cool is that!? <333

Then... yesterday I did Aerial Photography... @_@

Don't get me wrong, it's incredibly cool! However I had never been in a plane before... and this wasn't the best first experience. I got incredibly motion sick from all the turbulence, and was cruelly reminded of why I hate roller coasters. Dx But maybe if I take bonine or something and try again, it won't be as bad. Aside from those air pockets that drop you and you feel like the plane is just going to plummet to the ground. >.<" All in all it was really nifty. Tony was a little concerned though because I think I was pretty green at the gills when I stepped off, and I was having a few issues walking. Yeah... tensing your muscles for about a half-hour straight... not good. ^^; But I was good to go... pretty much. Unlike a lot of people who got motion sick, I didn't vomit. So that was good. However, I'm still having a few issues shaking the nauseated feeling from it. Which blows. Oh well. Hopefully, flying in a jet is better than a four-seater (pilot+three people) Cessna fixed-wing aircraft. lol

I think the funniest thing Tony said to me though, was right after I had gotten off the plane and he was asking how it went. I told him it was shakey, and you know what he tells me?
"Hey, now you just have to jump out of one!"
Veeeery funny Tony. You're a riot. xD

Had I had my wits about me, I'd have told him I just did. After all, he never said skydiving (even though that's what he meant lol). x3

So I don't have the aerial photos to show you yet because looking at them was making me nauseas all over again, but I do have glassware! Enjoy!

Commercial Studio: Glass 001 by *Saknika on deviantART

Commercial Studio: Glass 002 by *Saknika on deviantART

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Wizard of Oz

This weekend I sold the photographs I did of The Wizard of Oz, performed by the Galway Youth Theatre. Guys... parents and grandparents went fairly nuts over this. I made $221 off the gig, and $196 was purely from the parents. The other $25 was my fee to the theatre group for doing the photos. Everyone LOVED them, and a lot of people took my business card. I will definitely be getting other job offers. ^^ SOOOO COOL! Oh yeah! And one of my photos made TWO newspapers! And tone of people recognized it! Which was good, because they forgot to credit me. u_u; But it was an honest mistake, so I'm not angry. No harm no foul. And it was still exposure to those who came. ^^ So now I just have to make and send prints! How cool is that!? And I will totally be uploading a PDF file of all the images for you guys to see, because there are 43 of them. ^^" I don't know if I could make a layout of some kind for DeviantART or not. But I'll try. What I really need to do now though is update my website. So that's what I'll be doing! Tehe. ~<3

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Becoming Lonely...

Hallmark is still pretty awesome. We're moving on to Phase II, which means that we've switched up our groups, but more on that in a minute. It's actually not as happy as I'd like...


So we finally made it into the portrait studio! WHOOT! I have seriously fallen in love. Working in the portrait studio with all the lights... it's just like heaven. It's funny too, because I used to be so unsure about people. Now it just tends to come naturally as I observe. This might be my new home. x3

Halloween was GREAT. I was a geisha, and I literally stopped both fellow students and instructors dead in their tracks with my appearance. ^_^ I think I did pretty damn good. And the little kids... adorable. Seriously, handing out candy was tons of fun, even though it was cold. However, due to this I was more interested in taking a hot bath to warm up than doing photos, so until I put the costume back on I have nada for you.

Shot some of my Phase I final this weekend. Couldn't do it all though because I couldn't get a hold of a flash. Oh well.

I also shot at the Coffee House and did band photos for HellFire. Band photos are such a rush! I really enjoy shooting at concert situations.

Then I did some for the Galway Youth Theatre. This was great for three reasons:
1) They're getting published in a newsletter with my name.
2) My name goes in the program.
3) I am being allowed to set up a stand next to the ticket one to sell my work at the show. o_o
Seriously, it put me on cloud nine for a bit. <3

But then my mood hit the gutter. I haven't been taking my pills, which is bad, but I can't help it. I just haven't been keeping a good enough diet I guess. *shrug*

Anyways, we're switching groups so I'm no longer with any of the "friends" I made thus far. I use that term lightly though, because I still feel like an outsider. Sure, people are nice, and I get along great with them... but they always make plans with each other. And never with me. I always have to ask to be included... and that hurts. Part of it could be because I go home on the weekends... but really why stay? Stay and be lonely in my apartment because no one wanted to hang with me.

It just hurts. And now we have new groups, and even though Heidi, Alexis, and Adam are with me in it, I still feel alone. Because Heidi and Alexis are very close with each other... and Adam is cool but he and I really just chat during projects we're working on together.

I'm starting to feel like a loner by nature. I thought I could start fresh at Hallmark and make tons of friends but it's just not happening. And that's really upsetting.

I just want one really close friend... and I can't seem to find anyone.

It makes me feel alone.

Very alone.

Oh yeah... and my car broke earlier this week but it's fixed now.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sickest Week EVER

So this week was probably the sickest one this year for Hallmark. And myself. Personally, I missed all of Monday, Tuesday afternoon, almost missed Wednesday afternoon, and Friday I left in the middle of Danica's class, with only one left after that.

Monday for Hallmark, according to Shelly who handles attendance, so many kids were out that she had issues keeping up with it. And it was pretty much that way all week.

We have a cold, headache bug, and stomach bug going around.

And you know I have the stomach bug. I made it in Monday... and left before the day started because of it. And it's been plaguing me all week, and into the weekend. I'm totally sick of it. xP Worst thing is, I think I might be catching the friggin' cold. Dx I did drink some lemon tea with honey to help boost my immune system though, so I hope that helps. By the way folks... don't lick lemons. That was a bad mistake on my part. >.>;

Anyways, onto classes...

Tony officially made me, for one class, the waker-upper. If anyone fell asleep I was to kick ass and take names. Hehe. No problem Tony! xD

Tony also said that if anyone were to hog a portrait bay, to kick their ass and beat them to a pulp. Exact words. I totally giggled. Tony makes me smile.

Dick D'Lasandro told us that those who were so high-and-mighty about already knowing all the basics never made it to the top 10% of the final portfolios. I had to smile because that would be SanDiego right there. It's because people who already know it all never bother to pick up on the little tips that the instructors are going to teach. It's true if you really think about it. Makes me really glad that we only have a single photography class in my old high school. As much as I love the craft and the darkroom, it saved me from learning bad habits and stuff. ^^

Dick also said we're going to learn commercial photography so well we're going to put the majority of stuff in catalogs to shame, especially glass. YAY! <3

We're also starting posing and portraits with Rich Barnes, which is awesome. We were playing with an obnoxious red wig for that class. When he gives us the pictures I'll totally post them. Seriously, they're laughable. x3

I've found a new love in film scanners as well. Seriously... I want one. <3333333333333

That's pretty much it though. Gotta get ready for next week.

Speaking of getting ready, went to WalMart at like... 10pm last night for a Hula Hoop in order to do my final Phase I assignment. xD I'm such a lazy person. lol

You might want those notes after all...

SanDiego totally bombed his speech for our Business Communications class. Bombed so bad I don't think the grass of his ego was left standing.

He ended up being chosen to go for making a smart remark about everything being so easy (again), so David Frazier said that since he liked chatting so much he might as well do his speech next.

This guy just freaked out. Giggle this, giggle that, and interjecting with an "I am so nervous" after every paragraph.

But as he was going up someone said "What? No notes?" to which he responded "No, it's not worth notes."

Yeah... he bombed.

He started off, and just went downhill from a bad start. It was supposed to be a mini-autobiography... his turned into a documentary about Meerkats. A very poor and boring documentary at that. It had no beginning or end... just a middle.

Seriously, we only had to do a five minute speech and he totally bombed after making an absolutely conceded and arrogant remark.

Do I feel bad? Not one bit. He deserved what he got. It seriously seemed like he didn't care about the assignment, so he didn't prepare for it. At all. Seemed like he didn't even give it any thought until he had to give his speech.

Boy oh boy I can't wait until we have to do a 10 minute and then 15 minute one... >:3

Friday, October 19, 2007

Just not meant for NYC

I don't think I'm meant for NYC, since I wasn't able to coax myself down there today. Oh well. So I came home instead, and Mom made me leave early because we're expecting bad storms. So far they've held off... so I could have slept more... >.> Buuuuut... I am glad she had me come back early because I was able to stop at Yaddo... and I got some amazing shots. <3 So it turned out to be a good day after all, minus the fact that I still feel icky with a headache. I think it might be the weather or something though, I'm not sure. Lack of sleep is a possibility too, since I was up until 1:30am last night, dozing here and there for about 5 minutes before hand. And I woke up at 2:30am, since I was all nervous for my alarm at 3am, which I then turned off. And low and behold, I was able to sleep to 8am... when Mom called. xP But I digress, it worked out, and I got some beautiful shots due to an overcast day to screw out the harsh light. <3

And Lightroom... I heart lightroom. <333

Four Seasons: Winter by *Saknika on deviantART

Four Seasons: Spring by *Saknika on deviantART

Four Seasons: Summer by *Saknika on deviantART

Four Seasons: Fall by *Saknika on deviantART

Four Seasons: Collection by *Saknika on deviantART

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Stupid Trip... Stupid Nerves... Stupid Stomach...

Right now I think I'm going to cry because my nerves are acting up due to the friggin NYC trip tomorrow, and I'm sick. And it blows big time, because I really want to go, but if my stomach doesn't quit it I am going to chicken out simply to feel better. Anyone who's ever had a really knarly case of food poisoning... that's the pain I'm in, only a bit worse. All because of this stupid photo-expo trip. Seriously, it's not worth it when I end up like this. Not to me. Not when I'm upset at myself for it. The worst part is, I know I'll regret it if I don't go. I know I will. But god damn my nerves and stomach are killing me. I really don't know what to do. Vomit maybe. Maybe not. Just... I don't know. I really wish I weren't in my shoes right now though, let me tell you.

...Maybe just surviving Massachusetts can be enough for me. NYC isn't going anywhere after all. Then I can do it on my own time, know that I will always have a group of people with me... and I'm not restrained to the bus schedule. Yeah... maybe I'll go another time... because my stomach and nerves do not love me.

Hell... I don't even know if I'll go to Salem on Saturday at this rate. My stomach is that screwed up.

I want to gut myself...

This blows.

Damn stomach.

Damn nerves.

Damn myself.


Just another day in Hallmarkland...

Well, life has been pretty mundane for once at Hallmark! It's amazing! But we're still doing some really cool stuff, so I'm happy.

David Fraizer is pretty happy, because we've made it to In Design, which is another Adobe program, used to create layouts for things like magazines, and it's also a great vectoring resource. So creating a really awesome logo won't be outside of my reach anymore. <3

Hallmark really isn't just about the photography ya know. xD We have to learn the business end of things too, and part of the business end is creating our own letterhead, stationary, and business card (which I've done thanks to Miss. Mierzwa <3), and just knowing how it all works. So I am going to really enjoy the computer work too. Hehe

The other cool thing though, is that David is as psyched about fractal art as I am. He even asked to see what I had created, and he really liked the stuff. In fact, he and I are working on finding a way to incorporate it into my photography. ^^ That will be pretty sweet. I'll be sure to post his favourite, one of my newest, at the end of this blog post.

In other news, John Nordell made us go on location as if we were photo journalists. We had 70 minutes to go out, get a photo of the theatre and make it look like a small town, come back, make minor colour corrections, crops, ect... without distorting the picture, save it as the proper file, and submit it to him. It was intense, but fun. Still... I don't know that I'll ever end up becoming a photo journalist. xD lol

We were also in the commercial studio, playing with view cameras and 4x5 film. <3 I have to say though... my favourite part was loading the film in this big light-tight boxes. You kind of felt like a robot... but oh well. x3 It was great. I learned that day how to load film, too, because I was absent for that class. lol David Langley is good about that stuff though, and it only took five minutes for him to teach me. But still, most complained like crazy about loading the film. Personally, I am in love with that stuff. Then again, putting the film on the reel in the dark room was an enjoyable activity to me as well. So maybe I'm just really wierd. rofl xD

Today I have a half day, and the afternoon is mine. So I am going to hunt down Michael Zide, and he said that he would review my portfolio thus far. <3 I really love getting feedback on my work, especially constructive criticism so that I can improve. Seriously, when Tony reviewed my work I was in seventh heaven. I could do it all day, I swear. It just makes me really happy. ^^ So I can't wait to see what he says, and then perhaps I'll go find Joan Terry, because she is our visual artist, and she can really help me with composition. Although, according to Nordell, I have a natural eye for it (he reviewed my stuff at my interview), so we shall see. Either way, it'll be good. And in reality, I'm partly doing this so that I can keep my mind of NYC. xD I am soooooo nervous about that. There is still a strong chance I chicken out. ^^; I really do want to go though... so we'll see. *crosses fingers* Here's to luck and hope!!!

Of course though... no entry is complete without a word on SanDiego...

It turns out that he has to be dating his boyfriend for the money, because there is no other really good reason that a 27 year old is dating a 43 year old man. None! Especially coming from California. You can't possibly tell me his options are all that limited because he's gay. No way in hell. I mean... come on. How ridiculous and obvious can you make it? I can't believe that this kid is in it for anything but the money. Money is almost all he talks about, when he's not looking gross with all his facial piercings. Can't wait to see him try and get a job with those. Gross.


That fractal...

The Moon's Universe by *Saknika on deviantART

Monday, October 15, 2007

Contest Prowl...

Mmmmkay... I'm in a contest-y mood... so I want to enter photography contests! If you know of/are hosting/find any, post me a link here in a comment! Because seriously, this is something I really need to just boost my creativity and what have you. So help me out! The contests can be on or off DA, I don't care. Preferably without an entry fee, we college students are poor bastards. ;) And I'll be searching too! :D

I'll list out contests, and when I enter I'll bullet out the entries. :D

:star:Contests Thus Far:
Best of College Photography
:bulletpurple: Dawn to Dusk
:bulletpurple: Feelings of the Rain
:bulletpurple: Streaming Over the Bridge
:bulletpurple: Lakeside Memories
:bulletpurple: Antique Staircase
:bulletpurple: Screaming Fish
:bulletpurple: Lil Azriel
Momentum: Images of Dance

Set Your Roommate on Fire Instead

Well, classes are continuing to go smoothly, and I like that. We're going to be getting into using the view camera with 4x5 film soon, and later digitally!!! <3 I am wicked excited for that. View cameras are awesome.

I think the part I like best about it though, is that we can do whatever we want so long as we tell Dick D. first so he can walk us through common sense. I mean, one kid lit his arm on fire for it, and all Dick scolded him for was being too stupid to do it without having a way to put it out right after. He should have used his roommate. xD Haha. Another set of kids set a globe on fire at 2am and that got out of hand... which is when Dick got the call. x3 Then there was the one who almost electrocuted himself... had Dick not stopped him... >.< So yes, Dick is going to be our common sense as we make wild with creativity. :3

I then went home for the weekend... <3

Did some shooting that very night in Saratoga on Broadway with Brendan. Had this random guy from Burlington Vermont model for me. Tehe. It was funny, too, because he was looking for a photographer, and I was looking for a street musician. He was a street musician, just lacking his instrument since he was there on business, and I was a photographer. I didn't get the photo he wanted, but I'm still sending him a print.

The reason why I didn't get the photo is because he wanted me to go back to the room his boss had rented him that was pretty much at a love hotel. Heart shaped jacuzzi anyone? So yeah... we weren't going there. Used the excuse that it was too late for Brendan and I. xD And it kind of was... we didn't get back until 11pm... >.> But still, the guy had a really cool coat/scarf/hat thing going on and I got the shot along with a model release. WHOOT! ^^

Saturday was a day for organization. Organization and shopping. :P It kinda sucked... majorly.

Sunday though, I went up to the hunting camp and did some New England life shots. The guys really hammed it up for the camera too. One, who was about to leave, put all his gear back on without anyone asking him to, just to be in the photos. x3 They were awesome. One peed first and came out of the outhouse with a trail of toilet paper... on purpose. lol The guys were busting on him when he tossed it in the burn barrel that they hoped it wasn't used since he wasn't handling it too delicately. xD But I got some great shots there, and some great shots around the area as well.

Those shots included:
Rock painted like a pig
Tree growing out of a house

So I'm pretty happy with my results. Got a lot of shooting done this weekend.

Today was pretty fun too, made Ophelia, Kelly, and Adam build a pyramid for my photo. Ophelia swears she is never working with me again... but we remember what happened with that last time. x3 We were also picking on Adam, telling him how sexy he was. Ophelia's favourite saying from this: "Adam on a plate!" Haha, they're crazy. Went far enough to ask Adam "Boxers of Briefs" and his "size"... if you catch the drift. I was rolling. He called his wife and was like "They're picking on me honey!? Why can't there be more guys around here!?" Hehe... we're terrible. And I think his wife laughed at him too... xD

But Adam is now officially turtle. So yes, Turtle got picked on pretty badly. But we love him. He's a great guy with an awesome personality. His wife definitely picked the creme of the crop.

So that was pretty much my day. Going to have another good one tomorrow, and try not to dwell on NYC too much or I'll chicken out. xP

OH YEAH! Before I forget, never rent from Susan Renfrew... she sucks. It's always between 60 and 65 degrees F in here, and I'm freezing. That, and she doesn't acknowledge communication between the two of us... and she's just a bad realtor. For serious. I hate her so much right now.

And on Saturday I might go visit Z and Carly in Salem. <3

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Stocking It Up... and More

So today John Nordell taught us about stock photography, and we're doing photos this month that we are going to try to have entered onto a well-paying stock agency site. If they make it up, and are sold... that means cha-ching cha-ching for us. Hehe... x3 I'd like a little of that in my site for sure.

I've also taken out two ads on my school site, located at:, so I will be able to get my gallery and prints more noticed, not to mention this blog. It will definitely help with business, in my honest opinion at least. I just need the exposure at this point so that I can really try to market myself in order to sell my stuff. So that's what I'm attempting to do.

SanDiego was put in his place today by a fellow classmate as well. He was going on about how we were going over Lightroom in our digital class today, and how he already knew it all, and someone (don't know who but I wish I did; think it was June, don't quote me on that) spoke up and said "Well if you already know it all, why are you dumping so much money into this school?"

He proceeded to say that he still had things to learn, and these words hadn't finished coming out of his mouth when the other person quipped back "You're constantly finishing teachers' sentences and bitching about knowing it all."

Seriously... I want to kiss this person's feet. Mind you, the instructor, Michael Zide, said nothing during this. But I bet he was smirking. I honestly don't know though, because I was too busy giggling to myself.

So whoever you are, if you're reading this, THANK YOU! I'm just far too nice to throw that back in his face. I think I need to grow some bitchiness or something, because he needs it.

Although, it's really funny watching him freak out about what to wear to the Photo Expo. He wanted to dress arrogant until I told him just how badly those famous photographers would frown on him. He seemed to think this was the thing to do, and the I said "Yeah, but they have the power to destroy you before you even learn to crawl." The look on his face was priceless... then he told me yeah right and walked away.

I so hope he makes a bad impression on these people and just blows his whole career to hell. I really do.

Oh, and his latest is to brag about the money his boyfriend has and is willing to spend on him. GAG ME LOVER BOY! xP

On the flip side, Andi and I went and had dinner last night and that was fun. So we hung out today, and we're really thinking about doing abandoned buildings this weekend. So she might be coming home with me. ^^ I would be so happy if she did. Still, this is up in the air so I have to talk to her about it. Won't know for sure until later.

Other than that I have some super pains from being wacky in Northampton yesterday, which made today a good day to clean the house. Aside from all the rain outside. >.<

That's pretty much it though. Catch you later!

Massive Up-To-Dater

Oh... where to start. I've been gone for so long after all. I've just been too busy to update... aka I was asleep. xD Class can really wear you out. It's insane, I swear. But hey, I'm enjoying every single minute of this insanity, and that's what matters most. ^^

Reminds me of what Miss. Mierzwa always says: "You have to make every day fun, or find a new job. If it's not fun, it's not really worth it." And I swear that she probably could make doing laundry fun. She is the master of fun. <3 It's why she can be an idol of mine. She's what shaped a lot of my humour, and helped me get such a good personality. Ophelia, here is why I seem like such a funny girl to you. It's all Miss. Mierzwa's guidance. ^^

So the week was fairly uneventful. I was sick that Monday thanks to a really crappy stomach, and that totally freaked me out. Like, I was running around as if my head were on fire and being cut off all at once. CRAZY!!! But I got all caught up, and it ended up not being as stressful as I made it out to be. I was stressed to tears, for serious. xP

I did have to hand a project in late though, due to the school misplacing my film. So since it wasn't my fault, I took no penalty. Thank goodness, because illness isn't even a reason for missing due dates unless administrative permission is given. o_o WE ARE SERIOUS PEOPLE, YO!

We also got to build cameras too... I was really amused. Really, really amused. You'll see pictures of my 33 cent camera soon enough. xD

We even took pictures with it! <3

Had a wonderful three day weekend too. Very busy, very busy indeed. Saw Helena for the first time in close to a year, spent the night at her dorm in Albany. Then Saturday I just sort of chilled, before getting my car fixed and meeting Craig's mom in the supermarket. After that I went to Craig's to celebrate his 18th. I got him a taco for his birthday. xD Wrapped it, too. Hehe Of course I also gave him $5, but seriously, he loved that taco. lol Sunday was a day to cut Brendan's hair. He loved it. Monday I hung out with Nikki and Dani at Uncommon Grounds in Saratoga, and we all did interviews. I was very sarcastic for Nikki's, since she was videoing, and we all laughed. Tehe. Then I drove back into Massachusetts at 4am.

Why 4am, you ask? Well, it's quite simple really. I needed that extra time to capture the sunrise! <3 It wasn't the most spectacular one, but it was lovely nonetheless. Sadly though, the shot I wanted of the moon was ruined by friggin' clouds. *shakesfist* STUPID CLOUDS!!! And I had a 300mm lens on loan too. T_T

But yeah, so I got back and then went to school. :D

I finally got to give my speech for Business Communications, and everyone loved it. David Fraizer, the instructor, said he really loved my energy. Hehe, I can't help it, I love speaking. That's why Tony said it sounded like I was ready to do it again. I was! x3 I talked about how I am very random, and like to make a fool of myself. Fun fun! <3

I also finally found the railroad police. We'd all heard of them, but no one knew if they existed. Guess what folks, they do, and they hate us Hallmarkers going into the train yards. They told me to tell everyone "STAY OUT OF THE TRAIN YARDS!" xD Exact words!!! lol So I guess we shouldn't go there.

However, there is this old abandoned infirmary in Northampton... ;) Contact me, I will be going there. ^^

Speaking of Northampton, that's where we shot today, and I think I got some really great stuff. Andi, Adam, and I stuck together. Then we met up with Heidi, Ryan, and Jodon for lunch at Bueno y Sano. It was yummy! The people couldn't understand English for their life, but the food was good. lol If I could have remembered enough Spanish I'd have been set... but I couldn't. Dx I was most disappointed.

Then tonight I had a super dinner dillema. I didn't want to eat in because I really don't have anything left... meaning I need to shop. xP But eating out alone is... well... lonely. So finally, I found Andi and she hadn't eaten either. It's like 8:30pm, and we went to Athen's Pizza and got us some yummy Greek Salads. <3 I swear though, it's gotta be something about NY and late meals... xD But it did solve my dillema and I finally have someone to really hang out with. I like that.

What was REALLY cool though, was being able to WALK to Athen's Pizza. THAT'S HOW CLOSE IT IS!!! I have never been so excited before. Not even five minutes walking distance. <3 I'm getting spoiled here. lol xD

So I am going to go back to my spoiled life and revel in it. Tehe. :3

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Michael Yamashita in Person

So this weekend I met and had a book signed by National Geographic photographer, Michael Yamashita. He is a really cool guy, and he has some amazing stories to tell. For serious, it was awesome. His photographs are definitely worth looking at. For his gallery, go here: [link]

My parents even came out for the event, which was super awesome. We had dinner at the 99 Restaurant beforehand too, which was nice. It's definitely not my favourite place though, so I don't know that I'll go back. lol

I also got to see Rick and Megan, because they came out to Mass for the weekend too! How friggin' awesome is that!? xD Had to go help them into Greenfield from Turners, but that's okay. Megan lived in Turners when she was attending Hallmark, so it's understandable that she'd know it better. So that was fun.

On Friday we got our digital backs, so I've been loving up on that. x3 22 megapixels yo! And 11 microns! It doesn't get much better! *luffle* <3

None of my batteries exploded, either, so that's good. xD Yeah... one of the batteries that Joey was charging in the supply room blew up... Dx Not cool, but everything and everyone is okay so it's cool. I'm glad mine didn't explode, lol.

So yeah, I had a fairly eventful weekend, and it rocked. First one that I've stayed in Massachusetts for. xD

Oh, and Megan introduced me to more terminology: Massholes. And it's true, the majority of Massachusetts residents are assholes. I have met a portion that are exceptions to the rule... but for the most part people in Massachusetts suck. Big time. So they're Massholes.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Ohhh... Busy Busy Week. :D

Since I last updated a lot has gone on. But now I can just update you of the highlights for sure. ^^ That's always a good thing, ne? lol I thought so at least. Anyways, this'll span close to a weeks time... so it might be a little long. But definitely worth it! *thumbs up* Hells yeah!

To start with, I officially have the Black Death. Yeah, you heard me, I got the plague. It's the cutest thing ever! I bought it (haha, and you thought I was diseased xD) the day I was out shopping with BakaTulip (BT for short) when I met her in real life for the first time. She is a friend I made through Gaiaonline, which totally kicks ass. :D She's a great person, and we get along well. After we hung around in town we went back to Smith College where she's attending school and did a trivia game with some of her house mates. They are a riot! Oh man... I'd totally do it again. BT and I lost miserably, but oh well. We had fun and that's all that mattered. Besides, we were a team of two against three teams of five... >.> I'd say we held our freakin own yo! xD

And you guys... Smith college ain't called the Lesbian College for nothing... xD <3

That weekend I went home to hell. But it's working out now, so it's all good. If you want to know more, go search my DA Journal for the information. It should be titled "Calling the Cops on a Close Friend" or something like that. But yeah, she's doing a lot better and I'm really happy about that. ^^ Still, at the time it caused me to become muddled in the head, I got a tiny bit lost getting to school, and slept through the first and last periods of the day. But I definitely crashed in the last one because of my pill. I took it like... seven hours early so I had a slight OD going on, and it made me drowsy. But I knew I wouldn't have an appetite later so it was safer to take it then so that I definitely got the chemical help I'd need to get up and function Tuesday. And in the end my plan did not fail me. :D

Saturday wasn't all gloom-and-doom though, because Luna-kun and I went out shooting at a park with Mr. Duck and the Mamiya. So come the long weekend she's getting her film back, and it's full of really cute images. <33

I also had Tony review my work, and I am pleased with the feedback I gained. Most people tell me they love what I do, but have never told me were I might be able to improve. Tony did that, and he didn't bullshit around anything either. He came out and told me when he didn't like something, and there was even one he absolutely loved. So it's all good and I'm pleased. It gives me a bit of direction to go on, ya know? And he even told me to take it with a grain of salt because it was only one opinion. ^^ He also showed me some of his work, which was great. And he's going to help me find more abandoned places to break into... xD I <3 my instructors.

We finally got login names to Mable as well. Mable is our server's name. Gaberiel and George came up with it. The name changes every year. And when it wasn't working Gabe actually said "I'm going to go have a talk with Mable..." and when he came back it was "I spoke with Mable, and I realize now that what I did was wrong." xD Tooooo funny. I love them so much. My days are always entertaining somehow. lol

I met new people yesterday, named Joules and Justine. We worked together for a project, and ended up laughing our asses off. Some great things were the Toga Pirate, sprouting horns in front of a rug, the big purple house, and my latest random spewing that became a quote: "Black is the Ultimate Rainbow!" Think about it... black is all colours combined so it's like a rainbow... sort of. xD It amused us, that's for sure. So yeah, it was fun. Saw the beautiful area of Shelburne Falls too. I will be going back there once we get our digital backs.

Speaking of digital backs... GETTING THEM TOMORROW!!! CAN'T WAIT FOR THE END OF THE DAY FRIDAY!!! <333333

Mr. Sandiago and I are stuck in a group together. The whole group pretty much dislikes him. xP

Get to do public speaking in one of our classes on ourselves. I'm doing mine about coming from a really tiny town. ^^

This weekend Michael Yamashita is coming to speak at Hallmark, and is showing in the Hallmark Museum of Contemporary Photography. So I'm going to see that, it's entirely free, and my parents are coming out to join me. How cool is that? :D Hawt shit yo!

Come this long weekend I plan on visiting my friend Helena for that Friday night, since I haven't seen her in f.o.r.e.v.e.r! And then I'm heading home to play with friends.

So yeah, that's about it. A lot can happen in a week. Hallmark is running me ragged. But you know what... I love it. <3

Thursday, September 20, 2007


So we had a Mandatory-Voluntary contest with the theme of "Childhood Fears".
I did The Monster that Lives Beneath the Bed.

The Monster Under the Bed by *Saknika on deviantART

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Never Hated Anyone So Fast...

I have never hated anyone so fast before as this guy. I am mentioning no names, however, because that's far more rude than I'm going to be. But damn I'd love to. :doh: Anyways... it took me less than three hours to determine that he was definitely not worthy of being called mature or kind. What an asshole. :dohtwo:

So this guy is 27 from California... and he's arrogant like you wouldn't believe. :roll: Thinks he is the big cheese... and in reality he's still a small fry. :P So we were talking about logos and trademarks... he had his made for him. And now he's getting it trademark protected. Well, I was talking about how sometimes we work off of other people's stuff, or borrow small portions, just for little graphics on forums. This guy said he would sue anyone who did that with his. EVEN IF THEY WERE 13! He is fully prepared to ruin someone's life forever just because they like his logo enough to emulate it. His reason: It'd be destroying his professional image as a business, and that comes first. I really fail to see how it'd be degrading to his business. Actually, I think his attitude is more than anything. :disbelief:

Anyways, he's so anal that he actually wants to bitch at Dunkin' Doughnuts because the coffee tasted watered down, and he didn't like his sandwich. I'm sorry, but you're not going to enjoy everything. I can understand watered down coffee, but the sandwich? No. He's also a pain in the ass at restaurants because if the food isn't to his liking, he sends it back. And sometimes he'll just get up and leave without paying because it wasn't to his taste. And the only food that he ever felt was truly to perfection was from a restaurant that his boyfriend took him to for his birthday that cost $700 for two meals.

...Honestly, is everyone from California like this? Because if so I'm definitely never going there. Seriously... this is bull shit. :x It is people like this who make life difficult for the rest of us with no reason. He is no different in my eyes than the woman who put the McDonald's coffee between her legs and sued them (and won!) when it spilled and burned her.

Man was I pissed with him. I can't wait until winter... he's so going to be humorous to watch wither and hopefully die. I would love to see him kicked out of this program. :shakefist:

Other than that, today was great. Got my film back for the first two projects, and shot my third one. We do the fourth and fifth tomorrow. :D

On more bad notes for today... all my tasty rolls I brought from home were moldy. :( That made me sad... so I ate my turkey on just plain toasted bread.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Slowly Killing Myself...

Okay, so I definitely pulled a stupid. I chose to spend one more night at home because I wasn't feeling the greatest, and then drive into Massachusetts and school at 4:30am this morning. This would have been fine... had I been able to sleep. But I wasn't. Damn insomnia. :x So I drove in at 4:30am on... an hour and a half's worth of sleep... :dead:

Before I continue on that though... let me just say that the drive was both amazing and pissy at once. First off... I wanted to give Brendan a prank wakeup call at 5:30am and be all "GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!!!!" :lmao: ...But the phone never got a signal :x Then, I was watching the most gorgeous sunrise ever, especially since 80% of the drive is east (sun rises in the east for those who forgot...), and I loved it... but I was pissed because I couldn't pull over and take photos. :noes: So going back to a scenic spot on 91N that faces east to do that. :nod:

Anyways... back to the drive... :XD:

Don't do that. Seriously, don't. It was not pretty. I mean at first I was fine, people even said I looked amazingly fresh! ^^; And then around 10am... the liquid speed (energy drink) started having no effect... and we started falling asleep... :dohtwo:

Anyways, I felt really bad because I was falling asleep in Tony's class, and he's such a great guy. But I still heard what was important... I think... ^^; And made it through without too many issues.

Thankfully, that didn't happen in other classes... nor while I was driving. :doh:

Rich has decided people shouldn't come near me as well... since I'm now weapons girl... :XD: Apparently double edged, multiple pointed, or longer than four inch blades... are illegal... :paranoid: So..... shhhhh... :XD:

But hey, it's fun. I think I'm in a really fun group for portraits this time around, which is great for the first one! :dance: I'm excited. :D

And Michael Zide and I are exchanging crazy DVDs. I was the only one in class today that knew about El Chupacabra. Yeah... we incorporated El Chupacabra into photography. :giggle: It was awesome. YAY FEARS! :XD: I love Zide. So going to be on his bus for NYC. We're going to try and do The Ring... or some other obscure DVD. :giggle: Hence our conversation. ;)

I've also found out my really hot upstairs neighbor is bisexual... :nod: So hells yeah baby! We've got a lot of fine women here :nod: And one digs chicks. ;P

And if you're wondering about the girlfriend situation...

She's in Virginia now. And as much as I care for her... I'm not going to spend my life waiting. So when I found out about all this two or three weeks ago I dealt with it then, and I'm moving on. If she hates Alabama, when she gets there, and returns, I might get back with her. I'm not sure. But either way, I won't just sit on my ass and wait either, because I don't expect her to. It's not fair. :no: Besides, I'm pretty sure there is a girl in Alabama waiting for her. :worry: Not much I can do about it, but you get the idea...

So yes, I have a nice selection here. ;) Hello ladies.

Oh, and today's quotes! :D

Joan had been explaining about how this one girl made condoms pretty, just like this famous guy, and then shortly after she said this...
"Or you may feel you just can't stretch as much..."

There was also Gabe who told us never to just click the glowing blue button even though it's all "Touch me dammit. Click me!" :XD:

My teachers are awesome. Seriously... no one really cares.

Oh, and Zide is selling apples at $0.25 to help those animals still in need of shelter and care from Katrina, so if you're in the area or know me personally and want to help, get in contact and I can hook you up with yummy apples. :nod:

That's pretty much it. I'm off to keep editing photos since I now have a rather large supply, and be a bum. :XD: