Of course, Hallmark couldn't just let us have a vacation, even though they said we really didn't have to do these over vacation... Yeah, right. Because people are going to pass up a chance to work with people they know, or are going to leave so many things to the last minute so that they can stress and panic. Yeah... e_e
So instead, we're all fairly annoyed. But hey... that's Hallmark I suppose.
So this is my list of assignments for my holiday vacation, in no particular order:
Self Portrait
Character Study Portrait
Environmental Portrait
North-Facing Window Light Portrait
Photo Essay (essay done via pictures Dx)
Ideas for the Historical Image Recreation Photo
So like... that's six things to think about. D: Two weeks, six assignments, plus holidays with the families. AUUUUUGH!!!
But at least I had a good Christmas! xD
The other issue at hand though, is that my car is in the shop for repairs. I lost my washer fluid, and wipers, plus the turn signal has pretty much fallen off and snapped wires. Fuuuuun... /sarcasm
I also am still dealing with druggie friend issues. D: Geezus
I do have some of my assignments scheduled to be done though. On the 30th I am meeting up with Miss. M to do a character study because her and Aiden are just the perfect character study. Seriously. And she's a ton of fun, which makes it something to look forward to. :D
Then on the 5th of January I am going to a Honeycreeper concert in Saratoga and I'll shoot that and meet them after the show to do my environmental portrait.
I'm going to try to do my photo essay this Saturday... we'll see. ^^;
As for the north-facing window light... who knows. D:
The 31st I have an eye appointment...
On the 5th I might have to do my driver's safety over again because of a speeding ticket I didn't deserve. Dx Stupid cops...
And somewhere in this I want to do figure studies for a friend, and a waterfall side project for myself, not to mention revisit abandoned buildings in snow.
Yeaaah... I'm busy.
And here I thought I'd get to relax. >_o